This directory contains the external image viewer XV, which can be used to view pictures in acedb. Please read the file XV.License. According to this we are required to make all the files in the distribution available if we redistribute XV. The archive xv-3.10a.tar.gz contains the entire XV source code and documentation. To make life easier for ACEDB users, we also provide ready compiled executables for SUN, OSF and SGI (Irix 5). To install one of these, do the following: - Transfer the file for your machine type xv.???.Z % uncompress xv.???.Z % mv xv.??? xv % chmod 755 xv - Make sure this xv is in your path. Ideally, get root access and move xv to /usr/local/bin, where it will in the standard path of most users. % rehash Now test it by going to your acedb home directory after installing update 4-8, and type: xv pictures/zk637_8_dvl.jpeg See the file /pub/acedb/celegans/PICTURES.doc on this site for further details on how to access the pictures from ACEDB. NOTE: the file $ACEDB/wscripts/display_script has to be executable. If you used an old version of the INSTALL script it will not be. To make it executable do "chmod 755 $ACEDB/wscripts/display_script".