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If Yt is GDP, the growth rate of GDP is defined as:

\begin{displaymath}G_t \equiv \frac{Y_t-Y_{t-1}}{Y_{t-1}} \simeq \ln{Y_t}-\ln{Y_{t-1}} \end{displaymath}

We are interested in GDP per capita (better measure of living standards):

\begin{displaymath}y_t \equiv \frac{Y_t}{N_t}\end{displaymath}

therefore the growth rate in GDP per capita is

\begin{displaymath}g_t \equiv \ln y_t-\ln y_{t-1}=\ln{Y_t}-\ln{Y_{t-1}}-(\ln{N_t}-\ln{N_{t-1}}) \end{displaymath}

Some facts about growth rates.

Countries growth rate doubling time
United States 2.3% 30
Avg industrial nations 3.6% 20
India 1.4% 49
Egypt 3.4% 20
Japan 7.1% 10
Taiwan 6.5% 11
Singapore 7.5% 9

I do not see how one can look at figures like these without seeing them as possibilities. Is there some action a government of India could take that would lead the Indian economy to grow like Indonesia or Egypt's? If so, what exactly? If not, what is it about the ``nature of India" that makes it so? The consequences for human welfare involved in questions like these are simply staggering...

Nobel Prize winner Robert E. Lucas (1989)



[tbp] 1985 US $, source: Maddison

Countries 1870 1913 1950 1989 1870-1989
US 2,247 4,854 8,611 18,317 1.8
UK 2,610 4,024 5,651 13,468 1.4
Germany 1,300 2,606 3,339 13,989 2.0
Japan 618 1,114 1,563 15,101 2.7

Growth as a recent phenomenon of world history

Growth in Europe (Maddison 1982)

Epoch growth rate doubling time
Agrarianism 0.0% $\infty$
Advanced Agrarianism 0.1% 690
Merchant Capitalism 0.2% 345
Capitalism 1.6% 43

Growth Accounting

Assume Cobb-Douglas production function. If we take the logs of the production function:

\begin{displaymath}ln(Y_t) = ln(A_t) + \alpha ln(K_t) + (1-\alpha) ln(N_t) \end{displaymath}

at time t and t-1 and subtract:

ln(Yt) -ln(Yt-1) =ln(At)-ln(At-1) +

\begin{displaymath}+ \alpha (ln(K_t)-ln(K_{t-1}) )
+ (1-\alpha) (ln(N_t)-ln(N_{t-1})) \end{displaymath}

Alternatively, output per capita can be written as:

\begin{displaymath}ln(y_t) = ln(A_t) + \alpha ln(k_t) \end{displaymath}

So we have that:

\begin{displaymath}ln(y_t) -ln(y_{t-1}) = ln(A_t)-ln(A_{t-1}) + \alpha (ln(k_t)-ln(k_{t-1}) )\end{displaymath}

Total Factor Productivity (``Solow Residual")
The part of growth in output that is not explained by growth in the two inputs, labor and capital.

ln(At)-ln(At-1) = ln(Yt) -ln(Yt-1)-

\begin{displaymath}-\alpha (ln(K_t)-ln(K_{t-1}) )
- (1-\alpha) (ln(N_t)-ln(N_{t-1})) \end{displaymath}

The Asian Miracle? (Young 1982) TFP growth in South East Asia

Hong Kong 2.3%
Taiwan 2.6%
South Korea 1.7%
Singapore 0.2%
OECD 0.7%
Europe 1.3%

Inspiration (Hong Kong, Taiwan ...) versus Perspiration (Singapore).

Empirical regularities of economic growth (Romer 1989):

Accounting for human capital

What you want to measure is not the number of bodies you put at work, but their input to production, i.e., the efficiency of each hour put into production. This depends on education - human capital.

Assume Cobb-Douglas production function, with human capital:


where H is human capital, or


where k and h are respectively physical and human capital per worker.

This means that per capita output growth is:


\begin{displaymath}=\alpha(\ln{k_{t+1}}-\ln{k_t})+ \alpha(\ln{h_{t+1}}

You can make assumptions on how human capital enters the production function, try to measure it (years of schooling per capita), and see whether it explains differences in growth - and in levels.

What did we learn?

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Marco Del Negro