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Convergence: the empirical evidence.
Recall that the Solow growth model with capital accumulation predicted:
The convergence debate
One may be tempted to conclude that the neoclassical model fares well when the production function is likely to be similar (US States, European regions), or when differences in the steady states are taken into account; but...let us have a closer look at the neoclassical model:
With a Cobb-Douglas production function the growth rate is:


where $A_t=A E_t^{1-\alpha}$
(Note that with technological progress the equation looks the same with:

\begin{displaymath}\ln{A_{t+1}}-\ln{A_t}=(1-\alpha) (\ln{E_{t+1}}-\ln{E_t}) \simeq (1-\alpha) \gamma)\end{displaymath}

We know that per capita capital evolves as:


which implies that capital grows approximately at a rate:

\begin{displaymath}\ln{k_{t+1}}-\ln{k_t}\simeq sA_tk_t^{\alpha-1}-\lambda-\delta\end{displaymath}

Therefore output grows approximately at the rate:

\simeq \alpha s Ak_t^{\alpha-1}-\alpha(\lambda+\delta) +\ln{A_{t+1}}-\ln{A_t}\end{displaymath}


\begin{displaymath}=\alpha s A^{\frac{1}{\alpha}}y_t^{-\frac{1-\alpha}{\alpha}}

where the last relationship comes from $k_t=(\frac{y_t}{A_t})^{\frac{1}{\alpha}}$ How can the neoclassical model be rescued? Two avenues:
First avenue: conditional convergence.
Conditional convergence: admit that countries have different technology parameters, that is, have different steady states (remember: different saving rates or population growth are not much help). Conditional on the steady state, the model still predict that countries that are further away from their own steady state should grow faster. How do you condition? have in your regression variables that affect technology (openness to trade, degree of development in financial markets, level of education, the size of the government, etc.). The model fares well also when the sample includes -almost- all countries in the world.
Note that with differences in technology the MPK's across countries (states) can be the same even if per capita output is very different.
Second avenue: human capital.
Assume that the production function is also a function of human capital:


where H is human capital, or


where k and h are respectively physical and human capital per worker. This means that per capita output growth is:


\begin{displaymath}=\alpha(\ln{k_{t+1}}-\ln{k_t})+ +\alpha(\ln{h_{t+1}}-\ln{h_t})+\ln{A_{t+1}}-\ln{A_t}\end{displaymath}

Assume that human capital and physical capital are proportional, ie, countries with a lot of physical capital also have a lot of human capital:


,where b is the amount of resources invested in human capital as fraction of investment in physical capital.
Substitute for h in the production function and obtain:

\begin{displaymath}y_{t}=A_{t}k_{t}^{2\alpha }b^{\alpha }\end{displaymath}

It can be shown formally that the effect of introducing human capital (and the proportionality assumption) is like doubling the coefficient on capital,i.e., mitigating the effect of decreasing returns to capital. Remember from before:
if yti=qytj then $MPK^{i}=MPK^{j}q^{-\frac{1-\alpha }{\alpha }}$
but now we have:
if yti=qytj then $MPK^{i}=MPK^{j}q^{-\frac{1-2\alpha }{2\alpha
So the difference in per capita income between US and Philippine implies that the MPK in the Philippine is only roughly 3 times larger than in the US. So for the growth rates to be the same, the savings rate in the US must have been only 3 times larger, which is a plausible number. Yet, why does not human capital migrate from the countries where it is abundant to those where it is scarce?
You can compute that the returns to human capital are at least twice as high in the Philippine than in the US: why do people with human capital not migrate to the Philippine?
What do we conclude?

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Marco Del Negro