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Analytical question

[50 points]
The setup of the problem is as follows: a) Write the firm's problem and find the first order condition. Plot the labor demand curve in a graph with N in the X axis and w in the Y axis.
b) Write the agent's problem and find the first order condition. Plot the labor supply curve in a graph with N in the X axis and w in the Y axis (be aware that $0\leq N \leq 1$).
c) Find the equilibrium in the labor market, i.e. the equilibrium w and N. d) Now assume that the utility over consumption and leisure is defined as follows:

\begin{displaymath}U(C,L)=\left\{ \begin{array}{cc} -\infty \mbox{ for } C<\bar{...
...1-\gamma)\ln(L) \mbox{ for } C\geq \bar{C} \end{array} \right. \end{displaymath}

, where $\bar{C}=\frac12$ and $\gamma=\frac12$. Write the agent's problem. Find the first order condition. Plot the labor supply curve in a graph with N in the X axis and w in the Y axis. (Note that for $w\leq\frac12$ the labor supply curve is not defined.)
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Marco Del Negro