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Price of Durable Goods in an Infinite Horizon Model
this model shares a number of assumptions with the previous one. In particular: the main difference is that the durable good does not produce a dividend in each period, like a stock, but produces a service, in the sense that it raises the utility of the agent (in a sense, the ``dividend" from the durable good is in terms of ``utils", not in terms of consumption good). the household's problem is:

\begin{displaymath}max_{{c_t}_{t=0}^\infty} \sum_{t=0}^\infty \beta^t u(c_t,s_{t-1})\end{displaymath}

subject to the budget constraint (which holds in each period t):

\begin{displaymath}q_t s_t+c_t \leq y_t + q_t s_{t-1}\end{displaymath}

the service the household receives in period t from holding the durable goods are proportional to the amount of durable good held at the beginning of period t, that is st-1 as before, in equilibrium all these constraints will hold with = sign, so we can substitute the constraint in the objective function:

\begin{displaymath}max_{{s_t}_{t=0}^\infty} \sum_{t=0}^\infty \beta^t
u(y_t-q_t (s_t-s_{t-1}),s_{t-1})\end{displaymath}

Let us focus on the first order condition (FOC) with respect to st
Notice that the term st appears in the sum above only in the two terms:

\begin{displaymath}\beta^t u(y_t-q_t (s_t-s_{t-1}),s_{t-1}) +
\beta^{t+1} u(y_{t+1}-q_{t+1}(s_{t+1}-s_{t}),s_t)\end{displaymath}

so the first order condition is:

\begin{displaymath}\beta^t q_t u_c(c_t,s_{t-1})=\beta^{t+1}
[u_s(c_{t+1},s_t)+q_{t+1} u_c(c_{t+1},s_t)]\end{displaymath}

where $u_c \equiv \frac{du}{dc}$, and $u_s \equiv \frac{du}{ds}$ which can be rewritten as:

\begin{displaymath}q_t u_c(c_t,s_{t-1})
=\beta [u_s(c_{t+1},s_t)+q_{t+1} u_c(c_{t+1},s_t)]\end{displaymath}

following what we did in the previous model, we can write the FOC for periods t+1,..,t+T, substitute again and again for qt+1 uc(ct+1,st),...
and obtain the following expression:
$ q_t u_c(c_t,s_{t-1})=\\ \sum_{i=1}^T \beta^i u_s(c_{t+i},s_{t+i-1})
+\beta^T q_{t+T} u_c(c_{t+T},s_{t+T-1})$ which can be rewritten as:

\sum_{i=1}^T \beta^i \frac{u_s(c_{t+i},s_{t+i-1})}{u_c(...
...\beta^T \frac{u_c(c_{t+T},s_{t+T-1})}{u_c(c_t,s_{t-1})} q_{t+T}\end{displaymath}

What happens to the right hand side of this expression as we let $T \rightarrow \infty$?
as in the previous model, assume for the time being that

\begin{displaymath}lim_{T \rightarrow \infty}\beta^T
\frac{u_c(c_{t+T},s_{t+T-1})}{u_c(c_t,s_{t-1})} q_{t+T}=0\end{displaymath}

, then we obtain:

\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \beta^i \frac{u_s(c_{t+i},s_{t+i-1})}{u_c(c_t,s_{t-1})}\end{displaymath}

the above condition determines the price of a durable good (refrigerator) and can be interpreted as follows:
in equilibrium it must be that in each period ct=yt and st=1
the pricing formula then becomes:

\begin{displaymath}q_t=\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}\beta^i \frac{u_s(y_{t+i},1)}{u_c(y_t,1)}\end{displaymath}

in particular, if income is constant over time (yt=y all t), we obtain that the price of the non durable good is also constant:

\begin{displaymath}q_t=\frac{\beta}{1-\beta} \frac{u_s(y,1)}{u_c(y,1)}\end{displaymath}

we can now discuss why the transversality condition must hold in this model:

\begin{displaymath}lim_{T \rightarrow \infty}\beta^T
\frac{u_c(c_{t+T},s_{t+T-1})}{u_c(c_t,s_{t-1})} q_{t+T}=0\end{displaymath}

What did we learn so far?
references: Milton Friedman, The Optimal Quantity of Money and Other Essays, Chicago, Aldine, 1969

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Marco Del Negro