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What is money, and why do we use it?
Example: cigarettes as money in WWII Prisoner-of-War camps.
Money as a device for making transactions.
Barter economy is inefficient because of: 1) search costs 2) lack of specialization Why cigarettes. Cigarettes satisfy a number of criteria for being ``good money": but cigarettes (like gold) have an alternative use - resource cost
What is money for?
The Monetary Aggregates
Assets differ in their ``moneyness", that is, in their ability to ``substitute" currency as a medium of exchange (and unit of value) what is the relevant monetary aggregate?
The Cash-in-Advance Model
In the rest of the course we will simply assume that money enters in the utility function of agents. In particular, we will study objective function of the type:

\begin{displaymath}\sum_{t=0}^\infty \beta^t u(c_t,\frac{M_t}{p_t})\end{displaymath}

(note the similarity with the model for durable goods)
however, in the remainder of this class we will see that such a utility function can be derived from a model which has some features that recall some of the ideas discussed in the first part of this class, and in particular the fact that people need to use cash in order to purchase some kinds of goods (for example, a cappuccino) Try to model an ``exchange technology创 which justifies why people use money. The idea is that there are credit goods (say, a car), which can be purchased using credit (say, American Express), and cash goods, which have to be purchased using money.
reference: Clower, R.W.,1967, ``A reconsideration of the Microfoundations of Monetary Theory,创 Western Economic Journal,6, pp. 1-9
Lucas, Robert E. Jr., and Nancy L. Stokey, 1987, ``Money and Interest in a Cash-in-Advance Economy创, Econometrica, Vol.55, pp. 491-513 Assumptions wrapping up, the household's problem is:

\sum_{t=0}^\infty \beta^t v(c_{1t},c_{2t})\end{displaymath}

subject to:
$p_t c_{1t}\leq M_t \mbox{ or } c_{1t}\leq \frac{M_t}{p_t} \\
y_{1t}+y_{2t} \leq y_t\\
M_{t+1} \leq M_t- p_t (c_{1t}+c_{2t}) +p_t (y_{1t}+y_{2t})$
now, notice that the amount of money the household saves for next period depends only on total consumption, and not on the division between cash and credit goods. that is, if we call


the intertemporal budget constraint becomes:

\begin{displaymath}M_{t+1} \leq M_t- p_t c_{t} +p_t y_{t}\end{displaymath}

We can divide the household's problem in two steps, an intratemporal problem and an intertemporal problem:
Step 1 (intratemporal): Given the initial quantity of money Mt and the price level pt, and for a given choice of ct (which in turn determines next period's money Mt+1 through the budget constraint), the household decides how to split consumption between cash and credit goods. The problem is then:

maxc<<86>>1t,c<<87>>2t v(c1t,c2t)

subject to

\begin{displaymath}c_{1t}\leq \frac{M_t}{p_t} \mbox{ ,} c_{1t}+c_{2t} \leq c_t\end{displaymath}

notice that the solution to this problem is a function of the two variables determining the constraints, namely ct and $\frac{M_t}{p_t}$. we can then define an indirect utility function,


which is defined as:

\begin{displaymath}u(c_t,\frac{M_t}{p_t}) = max_{c_{1t},c_{2t}} v(c_{1t},c_{2t})\end{displaymath}

subject to

\begin{displaymath}c_{1t}\leq \frac{M_t}{p_t} \mbox{ ,} c_{1t}+c_{2t} \leq c_t\end{displaymath}

The following example may clarify things a little:
say that

\begin{displaymath}v(c_1,c_2)=\ln{c_1}+\delta \ln{c_2}\end{displaymath}

(notice we can drop the time index because we are studying the intratemporal problem)
call $m=\frac{M_t}{p_t}$
the problem is:

\begin{displaymath}max_{c_1,c_2} \ln{c_1}+\delta \ln{c_2}\end{displaymath}

subject to

\begin{displaymath}c_1\leq m, c_1+c_2 \leq c\end{displaymath}

how do we solve this problem? we ignore the first constraint (for the time being) and we substitute the second constraint in the objective function:

\begin{displaymath}max_{c_2} \ln{c-c_2}+\delta \ln{c_2}\end{displaymath}

and obtain the solution: $c_1=\frac{1}{1+\delta}c,c_2=\frac{\delta}{1+\delta}c$
if $\frac{1}{1+\delta}c \leq m$ (that is, the cash in advance constraint is not binding), then this is the solution of the problem. Otherwise, the solution is:
so that the indirect utility function is:

\begin{displaymath}u(c,m)=\{ \begin{array}{c}
\ln{m}+\delta \ln{c-m} \mbox{ if ...}c} \mbox{ if }
\frac{1}{1+\delta}c \leq m
\end{array} \end{displaymath}

Step 2 (intertemporal): give the indirect utility function, the consumer chooses the total consumption ct and the money balances Mt that solve:

\begin{displaymath}max_{{M_{t+1},c_t}_{t=0}^{\infty}} \sum_{t=0}^\infty \beta^t u(c_t,\frac{M_t}{p_t})\end{displaymath}

subject to

\begin{displaymath}M_{t+1} \leq M_t- p_t c_{t} +p_t y_{t}\end{displaymath}

and for given M0
In the remainder of the course we will forget about cash and credit goods, and work only with the indirect utility function. However, the payoff from doing all this math is that we know why real money balances enter in the utility function.
What did we learn?

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Marco Del Negro