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The golden rule of capital accumulation
Assume people's utility depend on the amount of consumption (one good only in this economy): if we want to maximize consumption in the long run we want to find the saving rate s that maximizes the steady state level of per capita consumption. Depreciation + Decreasing marginal returns to capital imply that there is a level of k beyond which further capital accumulation is suboptimal: the increase in capital depreciation outweighs the increase in output. Remember the formula for the steady state:

\begin{displaymath}k^*=(\frac{sA}{\delta+\lambda})^{\frac{1}{1-\alpha}} \end{displaymath}

Depreciation ($\delta$) and population growth ($\lambda$) are - to some extent - out of our control, and - in the neoclassical framework, to some extent - so is A (productivity).
The only variable that we can control is the saving rate s: what is the optimal saving rate? Intuitive approach. Since we are in a closed economy: yt=ct+it. What is investment in the steady state? from its definition:


Divide both sides by Nt and obtain (remember $\frac{N_{t+1}}{N_t}=1+\lambda$):


but by the definition of steady state kt+1=kt=k*, so:



What is the level of k* that maximizes per capita consumption? take derivatives!

\begin{displaymath}\alpha Ak^{*\alpha-1}-\delta=\lambda\end{displaymath}



You want to save up until the level of k such that the MPK is equal to depreciation plus population growth: a further increase in capital would trigger gains in terms of output that are lower that the sum of depreciation and population growth (graphical analysis). Alternative approach.
Remember that c=(1-s)y. This implies:


\begin{displaymath}=(1-s)A(\frac{sA}{\delta+\lambda})^{\frac{\alpha}{1-\alpha}} \end{displaymath}

The Solow growth model with technological progress
Exogenous technological progress reconciles the Solow (neoclassical) growth model with sustained growth. Add technological progress to the model in a special way, as labor augmenting.
Call the variable Et efficiency of labor
for a given number of hours spent working, the higher E the higher the labor input in terms of ``efficiency units".
Example: two workers can work the same number of hours, but depending on how efficiently they perform their task, their effective input can be quite different. We will see later why we did not assume growth in A. The production function becomes:


Efficiency of labor grows with improvements in education, health, skills. Assume that it grows at a constant rate $\gamma$ per year:


How do we measure the growth rate in E?





How do we measure the level of E today? A and E are indistinguishable. But the level of E does not matter, as we will see: so assume E0=1. Use the definition of investment:

\begin{displaymath}K_{t+1}=(1-\delta)K_t+I_t =\end{displaymath}


and divide both sides by Et+1Nt+1 to obtain:


Call $\bar{k}_t=\frac{K_t}{E_tN_t}$, the "capital per effective labor" ratio, and recall that




and obtain:


This is -almost- the same non-linear difference equation we studied last class. Hence it has the same properties. In particular: No matter where the economy starts, at some point it will reach a stationary state where $\bar{k}=\bar{k}^*$. The steady state is in terms of $\bar{k}$, not k!
Both per capita capital and per capita output are growing at the rate $\gamma$.
By definition $\bar{k}_t=\frac{K_t}{E_tN_t}$, or


This implies that the growth rate of per capita capital is:

\begin{displaymath}\ln{k_{t+1}}-\ln{k_t}=\ln{E_{t+1}}-\ln{E_t} \simeq \gamma\end{displaymath}

and the growth rate in per capita output is:

\begin{displaymath}\ln{y_{t+1}}-\ln{y_t}=\alpha(\ln{k_{t+1}}-\ln{k_t}) \simeq \gamma\end{displaymath}

What does the steady state in the "capital per effective labor ratio" $\bar{k}$ depend upon?


and obtain:


the Asian miracle
Alwyn Young: for most countries, perspiration
does the neoclassical growth model then explain the recent crash?
perspiration suggests a gradual slowdown, not a crash!

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Marco Del Negro