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today we will address questions like: Let's introduce the government into the model used in the previous class: the government collect taxes in both periods (T1 and T2) in order to finance government spending (G1 and G2)
The government has to observe an intertemporal budget constraint: the present value of government spending has to be equal to the present value of taxes collected


The government can issue debt to finance G, but it has to repay it The household's problem is the same as last time, except that now it has to pay taxes to the government:

\begin{displaymath}max_{C1,C2} \ln (C1) + \beta \ln (C2) \end{displaymath}

subject to the constraint:


which can be rewritten as:

\begin{displaymath}W +Y1+\frac{Y2}{1+r}-(T1+\frac{T2}{1+r})=C1+\frac{C2}{1+r} \end{displaymath}

Remembering that $T1+\frac{T2}{1+r}=G1+\frac{G2}{1+r}$, let us substitute the government budget constraint into the household's budget constraint:

\begin{displaymath}W +Y1+\frac{Y2}{1+r}-(G1+\frac{G2}{1+r})=C1+\frac{C2}{1+r} \end{displaymath}



let us define the variables $Y1^*\equiv Y1-G1$ and $Y1^*\equiv Y1-G1$. The household's problem becomes:

\begin{displaymath}max_{C1,C2} \ln (C1) + \beta \ln (C2) \end{displaymath}

subject to:


Then the household problem is the same we studied last time with Y1* and Y2* instead of Y1 and Y2. And we know the solution:

\begin{displaymath}C1= \frac{1}{1+ \beta}(W+ Y1^*+ \frac{Y2^*}{1+r}) \end{displaymath}

\begin{displaymath}C2= \frac{(1+r) \beta}{1+ \beta}(W+ Y1^* + \frac{Y2^*}{1+r})\end{displaymath}


\begin{displaymath}C1= \frac{1}{1+ \beta}(W+ Y1+ \frac{Y2}{1+r} -G1 -\frac{G2}{1+r}) \end{displaymath}

\begin{displaymath}C2= \frac{(1+r) \beta}{1+ \beta}(W+ Y1+ \frac{Y2}{1+r} -G1 -\frac{G2}{1+r})\end{displaymath}

What have we learned?
"Real World" examples
What happens in a CLOSED ECONOMY?
In a closed economy consumption in each period has to be equal to the amount of resources available (endowment)
Does Ricardian equivalence hold in the real world?

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Marco Del Negro