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Economia V; Instructor: Marco Del Negro
Problem set 4 (due Monday)
The setup of the problem is as follows: a) Derive the intertemporal budget constraint of the agent from the budget constraints in periods 1 and 2:


substitute for C1 into the utility function and find the first order condition with respect to C2.
b) In the first order condition, express C1 and C2 as a function of K2, and r, using the budget constraints C1+K2=Y1 and C2=(1+r)K2
c) Using the first order condition, find K2 as a function of r. What you have found is the optimal amount of saving chosen by the agent, for any given interest rate. (In fact $K2=Y1-C1=\mbox{Income - Consumption = Savings}$). Plot the saving function.
d) Write the first order condition of the firm with respect to K2. Using the first order condition for the firm, find K2 as a function of r. What you have found is the optimal amount of investment chosen by the firm, for any given interest rate. (In fact, given that depreciation is complete I=K2). Plot the investment function in the same graph with the saving function.
e) Find the equilibrium real interest rate.

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Marco Del Negro