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Midterm Exam
Rules: 1) [15] Explain why, in general, real money balances enter the indirect utility function in the Sidrauski-Brock model. Assume that the government, all of a sudden, prevents by law the use of credit cards. Other things being equal (money supply and output) what happens to real money balances, and the price level?
2) [15] Express Friedman's rule (the optimal rate of money growth) and explain it. What would be wrong with a rate of money growth below Friedman's rule ?
3) [25] The household's problem is:

\sum_{t=0}^\infty \beta^t (\delta \ln(c_{1t})+c_{2t})\end{displaymath}

subject to the constraints:

p_t c_{1t}\leq M_t\\
y_{1t}+y_{2t} \leq y...
...t- p_t c_{1t}) +p_t y_{1t}+p_t (y_{2t}-c_{2t})+T_t

where Mt+1 is the amount of money held by the households at the end of period t, c1t and c2t represent the consumption of cash and credit goods respectively in period t, pt is the price of both goods in terms of money, yt represents the endowment of the household at the beginning of period t, which can be used to produce both cash goods (y1t) and credit goods (y2t), and Tt represents nominal transfers from the government. Solve the intratemporal problem and find the indirect utility function. Write the objective function and the constraints for the intertemporal problem.
4) [35] Consider an economy where the government budget constraint is:


The household solves the problem:

\begin{displaymath}max_{\{M_{t+1},c_t\}_{t=0}^{\infty}} \sum_{t=0}^\infty
\beta^t u(c_t,\frac{M_t}{p_t})\end{displaymath}

subject to


and $B_t\geq -B$, where B is some positive number. Assume that the utility function is of the form:

\begin{displaymath}u(c_t,\frac{M_t}{p_t})= c_t+\delta\frac{M_t}{p_t}-\frac12(\frac{M_t}{p_t})^2,\end{displaymath}

where $\delta$ and $\gamma$ are positive numbers, and that:

\begin{displaymath}y_t=y \mbox{, }g_t=g \mbox{, }B^s_t=0 \mbox{, }M^s_t=M^s_0 (1+\mu)^t \mbox{, all }t.\end{displaymath}

a) Find equilibrium taxes ($\tau_t$). Discuss whether Friedman's rule is optimal in this economy.
b) Find equilibrium consumption. Find the equilibrium real money balances as a function of $\mu$, $\beta$, and $\delta$. Show that the equilibrium real money balances are a decreasing function of $\mu$.
c) The following is a standard specification of the money demand equation:


Show that you can derive this money demand equation from the model you just solved, and find the values of $\alpha_0$ and $\alpha_1$ in terms of the parameters $\beta$ and $\delta$.

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Marco Del Negro