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The Sidrauski-Brock Model
we will start exactly where we left last time; that is, the problem faced by the household is as follows:

\begin{displaymath}max_{\{M_{t+1},c_t\}_{t=0}^{\infty}} \sum_{t=0}^\infty \beta^t u(c_t,\frac{M_t}{p_t})\end{displaymath}

subject to

\begin{displaymath}M_{t+1} \leq M_t- p_t c_{t} +p_t y_{t}\end{displaymath}

and subject to an initial given quantity of money, M0
notice that the intertemporal budget constraint can be rewritten as:

\begin{displaymath}c_t \leq y_t-\frac{M_{t+1}-M_t}{p_t}\end{displaymath}

since this constraint will hold with the = sign at the optimum, we can substitute it into the objective function, which becomes:

\begin{displaymath}max_{\{M_{t+1}\}_{t=0}^{\infty}} \sum_{t=0}^\infty
\beta^t u(y_t-\frac{M_{t+1}-M_t}{p_t},\frac{M_t}{p_t})\end{displaymath}

since the term Mt+1 appears only in the following two terms of the infinite sum:
$\beta^t u(y_t-\frac{M_{t+1}-M_t}{p_t},\frac{M_t}{p_t})+ \\
\beta^{t+1} u(y_{t+1}-\frac{M_{t+2}-M_{t+1}}{p_{t+1}},
the FOC with respect to Mt+1 is:

\begin{displaymath}\frac{1}{p_t} u_c(c_t,\frac{M_t}{p_t})=
\beta \frac{1}{p_{t+...

As in the previous classes, we use the FOC's for Mt+2,Mt+3,.. to substitute repeatedly for $\frac{1}{p_{t+1}}u_c(c_{t+1},\frac{M_{t+1}}{p_{t+1}}),\\
\frac{1}{p_{t+2}}u_c(c_{t+2},\frac{M_{t+2}}{p_{t+2}}),..$ and obtain:

\begin{eqnarray*}& \frac{1}{p_t} u_c(c_t,\frac{M_t}{p_t})= \\
&\sum_{i=1}^{T} ...

if $T \rightarrow \infty$, and if the transversality condition

\begin{displaymath}lim_{T \rightarrow \infty}

holds true (we will discuss it later), we obtain a formula for (the inverse of) the price level:

\begin{displaymath}\frac{1}{p_t} = \frac{1}{u_c(c_t,\frac{M_t}{p_t})}
\frac{1}{p_{t+i}} u_m(c_{t+i},\frac{M_{t+i}}{p_{t+i}})\end{displaymath}

In equilibrium it must be that ct=yt, all t
For the time being let us assume that the Central Bank keeps the money supply constant at the level Ms in all periods. since in equilibrium money demand must equal money supply: Mt=Ms, all t.
Substituting for ct and Mt in the pricing formula, we obtain:

\begin{displaymath}\frac{1}{p_t} = \frac{1}{u_c(y_t,\frac{M^s}{p_t})}
...y} \beta^i
\frac{1}{p_{t+i}} u_m(y_{t+i},\frac{M^s}{p_{t+i}})\end{displaymath}

Unlike in the previous models, we are not home yet! the formula does not deliver a solution for the price level, because the price in period t depends on the prices in all future periods. In order to obtain a formula for the price level we have to make the further assumption that output is constant in all periods: yt=y all t.
under this assumption, the pricing formula becomes:

\begin{displaymath}\frac{1}{p_t} = \frac{1}{u_c(y,\frac{M^s}{p_t})}
\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \beta^i
\frac{1}{p_{t+i}} u_m(y,\frac{M^s}{p_{t+i}})\end{displaymath}

Notice that the pricing formula is stationary, in the sense that pt depends on pt+1,pt+2,.. in the same way that pt+1 depends on pt+2,pt+3,..
consequently, a constant price level, pt=p, is a solution (it may not be the only solution. However, we will focus on stationary equilibria).
Notice also that when the price level is constant, real money balances $m_t=\frac{M_t}{p_t}$ are constant as well at a level $m=\frac{M^s}{p}$. How is the equilibrium price level determined?
with constant prices and constant real money balances the pricing formula becomes:


rearranging terms this formula becomes:


Is there an equilibrium level of real money balances m* such that:


notice that if we find an equilibrium level of real money balances then we have also found the equilibrium price level, given that:


To answer this question let us draw (figure 1) the function:


If the function crosses the horizontal axis at least once, then there is an equilibrium level for real money balances. if it crosses the axis only once, then the equilibrium is unique.
What have we got?

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Marco Del Negro