%Attached is the latex2e form of maplems.sty. This style is used by us %as a sample of how one might print Maple's export to latex material %(exported directly from Maple Worksheets.) % %eg. % %\documentclass{article} %\usepackage{maplems} %\begin{document} % % %Notes: % % 1. Maple Worksheets make no attempt to protect tex special % characters found in their paragraphs. Thus exported worksheets % containing special characters will produce errors when parsed % by latex. % % 2. There is a style option % % \usepackage[ignorespecials]{maplems} % % % that turns off the meaning of many of the special characters % such as ^,_, etc. % % %% $Source: /doc1/tex/local/latex/RCS/maplems.sty,v $ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\fileversion{$Revision: 3.12 $} \def\filedate{94/07/21} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{maplems}[\filedate\space\fileversion Special Maple Worksheet Format] \typeout% {Maple Worksheet Style for Latex2e -- \fileversion\space\filedate} % \newif\ifWorkSheetStyle % \DeclareOption{worksheet}{ \WorkSheetStyletrue } \DeclareOption{ignorespecials}{ \WorkSheetStyletrue } \DeclareOption{normallatex}{ \WorkSheetStyletrue } % % Copyright (c) 1994 by Waterloo Maple Software, all rights reserved. % % Permission is granted to use this style without charge. It may % also be redistributed providing that they are distributed as is % and without charge. You may modify these macros for your own use, % and redistributed subject to the following condition: % % 1. The style name used for any modified version of this file is % different from mapleenv.sty. % % 2. You acknowledge this file as the source. % % 3. It is redistributed under the same terms and conditions % as indicated here. % % Please send recommendations or requests for changes to: % % support@maplesoft.on.ca % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % This is a sample LaTeX style file to assist with printing % Maple Work Sheets, as produced by Maple's "Export to Latex". This % can be used as part of the document style as in: % % \documentclass{article} % \usepackage{maplems} % % It automatically includes the mapleenv package, defining macros for % formatting input and output regions from Maple. % To use this package, place mapleenv.sty and maplems.sty in the same % directory as % your document, (or in a location indicated by your % TEXINPUTS search path). % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Change entries in this next section in order to change the way page % headings are handled. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \pagestyle{noheadings} % \pagestyle{plain} \pagestyle{myheadings} \markright{\protect\rule[-5pt]{\linewidth}{1pt}\hspace{-\linewidth}% {\protect\sffamily\large Maple V\ \ Release 3}% } %} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The common user-settable parameters for documents are found in the % next section. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %% The next flag determines how unescaped tex characters such as %% #, ^ &, / are handled in the body of paragraphs. If set to false, %% these characters are handled exactly as they would be in a standard %% latex document. %% %% By setting this to true, these special characters will appear in-line %% just as they do in the worksheet. In this mode, LaTex math %% constructs cannot be used inline. % \ExecuteOptions{normallatex}% \ProcessOptions% \RequirePackage{mapleenv} % % main document settings %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \topmargin=-.2in \textheight=8.75in \textwidth=6in \headheight=2.5ex \headsep=.17in \oddsidemargin=0.25in \evensidemargin=\oddsidemargin \parsep=2ex % space between item paragraphs \parskip=1.5ex % space between paragraphs % % parameters controlling the special maple environments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \MaplePrompttrue % generate a prompt at start of each line? \MaplePromptString = {\raise 1pt \hbox{$\scriptstyle>$\space}} \AboveMapleSkip = 1ex plus 2 pt minus 1 pt \BelowMapleSkip = \AboveMapleSkip \LeftMapleSkip = 5ex \AboveMaplePlot = 2\AboveMapleSkip \BelowMaplePlot = 2\AboveMapleSkip \MaplePlotHeight = 30ex \MaplePlotWidth = 1.3\MaplePlotHeight \edef\MaplePlotAngle{270} \let\MapleSepLineWidth\linewidth % \let so that it will be redefined % properly for narrow environments. \MapleSepLineHeight = 1pt \def\MapleFont{\normalfont\ttfamily} % font used for input and ttyout \def\MapleSize{\small} % font size for input and ttyout \def\MapleLatexSize{\normalsize} % font size for maplelatex \MapleFirstLinefalse % hides first \cr of \mapleinput \MapleTab = 8 % spaces used by the tab character. %%% psfig macros (if used) % \psdraft %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\rightah{{\tt>}} \def\leftah{{\tt<}} \ifWorkSheetStyle \MakeLetter{^} \MakeLetter{_} \MakeLetter{#} \MakeLetter{&} \MakeActive{>}\def>{\rightah} \MakeActive{<}\def<{\leftah} \fi % Define \backslash {% \catcode`| = 0 |catcode`\\ = 12 |gdef|backslash{\} } \endinput %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%