% mitthesis.sty 12 Sep 89 % For Massachusetts Institute of Technology theses (grad and undergrad), % based on "Specifications for Thesis Preparation" Revised 1986. % % This style option is designed to work with the report document % style of LaTeX version 2.09. Use % \documentstyle[mitthesis]{report} % "Preferably, the text should appear on only one side of the paper." % Hence no doubleside option. % Copyright (c) 1987 by Stephen Gildea % Permission to copy all or part of this work is granted, provided % that the copies are not made or distributed for resale, and that % the copyright notice and this notice are retained. % % THIS WORK IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS. THE AUTHOR PROVIDES NO % WARRANTY WHATSOEVER, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE WORK, % INCLUDING WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO ITS MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS % FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. % If you make any improvements, I'd like to hear about them. % Stephen Gildea % MIT Earth Resources Lab % Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 % mit-erl!gildea % gildea@erl.mit.edu % 29 Jun 87 original version % 12 Sep 89 \supervisor optional arg added % "Margins must be at least an inch and a quarter on the binding margin % (normally the left side), and at least one inch on the other sides." \oddsidemargin .25in \evensidemargin 0in \topmargin 0in \headheight 0in % no header \headsep \headheight \textwidth 6.25in \textheight 8.5in \footskip .4in % "The main body of the text should utilize a space and a half or double % spacing. The abstract, biography, footnotes, and bibliography % sections may be single spaced" \input doublespace.sty %available from Clarkson LaTeX-style collection \def\baselinestretch{1.5} %% End of formatting parameters %% %% Define all the pieces that go on the title page and the abstract. % \title and \author already exist \def\prevdegrees#1{\gdef\@prevdegrees{#1}} \def\@prevdegrees{} \def\department#1{\gdef\@department{#1}} % If you are getting two degrees, use \and between the names. \def\degree#1{\setbox0\hbox{#1} %for side effect of setting \@degreeword \gdef\@degree{#1}} % \and is used inside the \degree argument to separate two degrees \def\and{\gdef\@degreeword{degrees} \par and \par} \def\@degreeword{degree} % If there is no \copyrightnotice command, it is asssumed that MIT % holds the copyright. This commands adds the copyright symbol to the % beginning, and puts the standard permission notice below. \def\copyrightnotice#1{\copyrightnoticetext{\copyright\ #1\par\permission}} % Occacionally you will need to exactly specify the text of the % copyright notice. The \copyrightnoticetext command is then useful. \long\def\copyrightnoticetext#1{\gdef\@copyrightnotice{#1}} \def\@copyrightnotice{\copyright\ \Mit\ \@degreeyear} \def\thesisdate#1{\gdef\@thesisdate{#1}} % typically just a month and year \def\degreemonth#1{\gdef\@degreemonth{#1}} \def\degreeyear#1{\gdef\@degreeyear{#1}} % Usage: \supervisor{name}{title} % \chairman{name}{title} % since there can be more than one supervisor, % we build the appropriate boxes for the titlepage and % the abstractpage as the user makes multiple calls % to \supervisor \newbox\@titlesupervisor \newbox\@abstractsupervisor % The \supervisor command takes an optional argument in case you % want to label a person other than "Thesis Supervisor". For example, % \supervisor[Thesis Co-supervisor]{Arthur Cheng}{Principle Research Scientist} \def\supervisor{\@ifnextchar[{\@supervisor}{\@supervisor[Thesis Supervisor]}} \def\@supervisor[#1]#2#3{\setbox\@titlesupervisor\vbox {\unvbox\@titlesupervisor \vskip 10pt plus 1fil minus 1fil \def\baselinestretch{1}\large \signature{Certified by}{#2 \\ #3 \\ #1}} \setbox\@abstractsupervisor\vbox{\unvbox\@abstractsupervisor \vskip\baselineskip \def\baselinestretch{1}\@normalsize \par\noindent #1: #2 \\ Title: #3}} % department chairman, not thesis committee chairman \def\chairman#1#2{\gdef\@chairmanname{#1}\gdef\@chairmantitle{#2}} \def\maketitle{\begin{titlepage} \large {\def\baselinestretch{1.2}\Large\bf \@title \par} by\par {\Large \@author} \par \@prevdegrees \par Submitted to the \@department \\ in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the \@degreeword\ of \par \@degree \par at the \par\MIT\par \@degreemonth\ \@degreeyear \par \@copyrightnotice \par \vskip \baselineskip \signature{Signature of Author}{\@department \\ \@thesisdate} \par \unvbox\@titlesupervisor \par \signature{Accepted by}{\@chairmanname \\ \@chairmantitle} \end{titlepage}} \def\MAKETITLE{\begin{titlepage} \large {\def\baselinestretch{1.2}\Large\bf \@title \par} by\par {\Large \@author} \par \@prevdegrees \par Submitted to the \@department \\ in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the \@degreeword\ of \par \@degree \par at the \par\MIT\par \@degreemonth\ \@degreeyear \par \@copyrightnotice \par \vskip \baselineskip \signature{Signature of Author}{\@department \\ \@thesisdate} \par \unvbox\@titlesupervisor \par \signature{Accepted by}{\@chairmanname \\ \@chairmantitle} \end{titlepage}} % this environment should probably be called abstract, % but we want people to also be able to get at the more % basic abstact environment \def\abstractpage{\newpage \begin{center}{\large{\bf \@title} \\ by \\ \@author \\[\baselineskip]} \par \def\baselinestretch{1}\@normalsize Submitted to the \@department \\ on \@thesisdate, in partial fulfillment of the \\ requirements for the \@degreeword\ of \\ \@degree \end{center} \par \begin{abstract}} \def\endabstractpage{\end{abstract}\noindent \unvbox\@abstractsupervisor \newpage} % You can use the titlepage environment to do it all yourself if you % don't want to use \maketitle. If the titlepage environment, the % paragraph skip is infinitely stretchable, so if you leave a blank line % between lines that you want space between, the space will stretch so % that the title page fills up the entire page. \def\titlepage{\newpage\centering \thispagestyle{empty} \parindent 0pt \parskip 10pt plus 1fil minus 1fil \def\baselinestretch{1}\@normalsize\vbox to \vsize\bgroup\vbox to 9in\bgroup} % The \kern0pt pushes any depth into the height. Thanks to Richard Stone. \def\endtitlepage{\par\kern 0pt\egroup\vss\egroup\newpage} \def\MIT{MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY} \def\Mit{Massachusetts Institute of Technology} \def\permission{\par\noindent{\centering The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and \\* to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part.}\par} \def\signature#1#2{\par\noindent#1\dotfill\null\\* {\raggedleft #2\par}} \def\abstract{\subsection*{Abstract}\small\def\baselinestretch{1}\@normalsize} \def\endabstract{\par} % If using the report style, use - instead of . in the figure number. \@ifundefined{thechapter}{}{\def\thefigure{\thechapter-\arabic{figure}}}