\typeout{TCI Document Style `sw20kran' <20 Aug 1994>.} \typeout{NOTICE: This macro file is NOT proprietary and may be freely copied and distributed.} % These are common macros used throughout. They have been separated % from the other documents so that Scientific Word will not expand % them. All except \Ibb are macros without parameters, and \Ibb is % used only in the definition of \NN. This means we don't need to notify % Scientific Word of them---the default action is sufficient. % \def\LaTeXparent#1{} \def\CC{{\rm\kern.24em\vrule width.02em height1.4ex depth-.05ex\kern-.26em C}} \def\QQ{{\rm\kern.24em\vrule width.02em height1.4ex depth-.05ex\kern-.26em Q}} \def\Rr{{\rm I\kern-.2em R}} \def\ZZ{{\rm\kern.26em\vrule width.02em height0.5ex depth0ex\kern.04em\vrule width.02em height1.47ex depth-1ex\kern-.34em Z}} \def\RR{\hspace{.065in}{\rm\vrule width.02em height1.55ex depth-.07ex\kern-.3165em R}} \def\Ibb#1{{\rm I\kern-.23em#1}} \def\Ib#1{{\rm I\kern-.25em#1}} \def\k#1{\kern#1em} \def\vb#1{\vrule width.02em height1.4ex depth-.05ex} \def\NN{\Ibb N} \def\prob{\advance\pnum by 1\medbreak\noindent\llap{\bf\the\pnum.\enspace}} %Following macro not used %\def\limp{\lim_{x \rightarrow c^{\mbox{}+\mbox{}}}} %Following macro not used %\def\limm{\lim_{x \rightarrow c^{\mbox{}-\mbox{}}}} \def\endpf{\hfill \rule{.1in}{.1in}} \def\ss{\subseteq} % %\textwidth=7in %\textheight=9in %\topmargin=-.25in %\oddsidemargin=0in %\evensidemargin=0in \addtolength{\topmargin}{-72pt} \addtolength{\textwidth}{180pt} \addtolength{\textheight}{148pt} \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-36pt} \evensidemargin=\oddsidemargin % \parindent=20pt % \def\beginexercises{\twocolumn\parindent=10pt\markright{EXERCISES}% \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}}% \def\endexercises{\onecolumn\setcounter{secnumdepth}{2}\parindent=20pt}% % %% The following \def's from chapter 18 \def\intr{\mathop{\int \! \int}_{\cal R}} \def\intu{\mathop{\int \! \int \! \int}_{\cal U}} \def\intv{\mathop{\int \! \int \! \int}_{\cal V}} %% The following \def's from chapter 15 %\def\l{\langle} %\def\r{\rangle} %\def\O{{\bf O}} % The following \def's from chapter 19 \def\div{\mbox{\rm div}\,} \def\curl{\mbox{\rm curl}\,} \def\grad{\mbox{\rm grad}\,} % The following \def's from chapter 13 %\def\intr{\mathop{\int \! \int}_{\cal R}} %\def\ints{\mathop{\int \! \int}_{\cal S}} %\def\intw{\mathop{\int \! \int \! \int}_W} % The following \def's from chapter 20 \def\intr{\mathop{\int \! \int}_{\cal R}} \def\ints{\mathop{\int \! \int}_{\cal S}} \def\intw{\mathop{\int \! \int \! \int}_W} % Avoid inputting tcilatex.tex by defining \text \let\text=\mbox %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Start of lori.tex%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This is a file by Lori Pickert that allows us to do the following: % If you want to attach a right justified label to a line in an % \eqnarray* then you insert the code % % \x{label} % % If the label requires a math environment, you must include that, e.g. % % \x{$(*)$} % % In fact this macro will have no effect unless you pull in LORI.STY % at the beginning of the document. This is done with the code % % \documentstyle[lori]{article} % %Then LaTeX pulls in LORI.STY from the directory \TEX\INPUTS. % \def\x#1{\def\@@eqncr{\let\@tempa\relax \ifcase\@eqcnt \def\@tempa{& & &}\or \def\@tempa{& &} \else \def\@tempa{&}\fi & #1\cr}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of lori.tex%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Scientific Word saved document 14-5 using the \binom macro \def\binom#1#2{{#1 \choose #2}}% % Used for the preface sections (gp) \def\preface{\setcounter{section}{-1}} \input thmsupp.tex %TCI theorem option support