%sw20let1 {Letter: TCI letter style #1}{12pt}{tcilett} %Copyright (C) 1994-95 TCI Software Research \typeout{TCI Document Style `sw20let1' <1 July 1994>.} \typeout{NOTICE: This macro file is NOT proprietary and may be freely copied and distributed.} % \def\attnname{Attention: }% \def\subjname{Subject: }% \def\PSname{P.S. }% \def\initials{}% \def\ccname{cc}% the colon is added in LaTeX's letter.sty \def\enclname{encl}% the colon is added in LaTeX's letter.sty \def\pagename{Page: }% \def\headtoname{To: }% % \hoffset-1in \voffset-1in % \trimheight 11in %\topmargin 15pt \addtolength{\topmargin}{55pt} \headheight 12pt \headsep 24pt \footskip 0pt %LJH was 10 \botmargin 10pt % \trimwidth 8.5in %\textwidth 468pt \addtolength{\textwidth}{78pt} %\marginparsep 0pt %\marginparwidth 0pt % \longindentation=.5\textwidth % %\settextheight\centerpagemargin \addtolength{\textheight}{66pt} \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{33pt} \evensidemargin\oddsidemargin \marginparwidth=.675\oddsidemargin \marginparsep=.1\oddsidemargin