% MANPAGE DOCUMENT STYLE -- Created 25 May 1990 % manpage.sty % Rong Chen (rchen@cs.uiuc.edu) % Department of Computer Science % University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign % Urbana, IL 61801 % Copyright (c) 1990 by Rong Chen % Permission to copy all or part of this work is granted, provided % that the copies are not made or distributed for resale, and that % the copyright notice and this notice are retained. % % THIS WORK IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS. THE AUTHOR PROVIDES NO % WARRANTY WHATSOEVER, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE WORK, % INCLUDING WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO ITS MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS % FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. % This style option is designed to work with the report document style % of LaTeX version 2.09. Use \documentstyle[11pt,manpage]{report} % % The commands that are created in the style file are: % % \begin{manpage}{Title}{Module}{Version} % see an example, all will be clear % \end{manpage} % end of manpage environment % \function#1 (e.g., \function{void demo(int dummy)}) % with \medskip added % \function*#1 (e.g., \function*{void demo(int dummy)}) % no extra spacing % \subtitle#1 (e.g., \subtitle{ANTHOR}) % fit into the same line if possible % \subtitle*#1 (e.g., \subtitle{AUTHOR}) % always break a newline % "#1" (e.g., "dummy_variable") % argument is in italic&unbreakable % \separator % draw a line of linewith long to seperate suntitle from text % % The following characters (control-sequents) are defined (or redefined): % % \* --- the same as $\ast$ % \< --- the same as $\langle$ % \> --- the same as $\rangle$ % < --- the same as $<$ % > --- the same as $>$ % _ --- the same as \_ % + --- the same as $+$ % | --- the same as $\mid$ % ^ --- hat character that is defined as $\wedge$ being raised 0.6ex % If you make any improvements, I'd like to hear about them. %\headheight 24pt % See LaTeX book for definitions %\headsep 12pt %\textwidth 6.25in %\textheight 8.0in %\topmargin 0in %\marginparwidth 0pt %\oddsidemargin 0pt %\evensidemargin 0pt %\marginparsep 0pt \parindent 0pt \newdimen\argindent \argindent 3em % indentation for function arguments \newdimen\arg@dim % temp variables that you don't want to know \newdimen\line@siz \newbox\arg@box \catcode`\"=\active \def\arg@quote#1"{\hbox{\it #1\/}} \def\tt@quote{{\tt \char`\"}} \let"=\tt@quote \def\separator{\rule{\linewidth}{0.5pt}} \def\function{\@ifstar{\@func@star}{\@func@norm}} \def\@func@star#1{\expandafter\@function#1 \\ } \def\@func@norm#1{\expandafter\@function#1 \medskip\\ } \def\@function#1(#2)#3 {% \begingroup% \setbox\arg@box=\hbox{\bf #1}\global\arg@dim\wd\arg@box% \setbox\arg@box=\hbox{\rm $)$;}% \global\line@siz\linewidth\global\advance\line@siz-\wd\arg@box% \pagebreak[3]% \expandafter\print@name#1 \@@ 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