%%*************** %% ascii.sty %%*************** %% VERSION 1.0 (10 July 1993) %%*********************************************************** %% Copyright (c) R. Ramasubramanian & RWD Nickalls %% Dept. of Anaesthesia/Univ. of Nottingham/UK %% MA Reed %% Cambridge University Press/Cambridge/UK %%********************************************************* %% ASCII.STY and its related font files in this package, are intended %% for printing/typesetting the first 128 characters of the standard ASCII %% code using TeX/LaTeX on IBM compatible PCs. %% Note that this ASCII-10 font includes all the IBM graphics characters. %% The package includes comprehensive documentation (ASCIISTY.TEX), and the %% .DVI file is also included (ASCIISTY.DVI). %% %% A paper copy of the documentation file ASCIISTY.TEX can be obtained by %% contacting Dick Nickalls at the following address: %% %% Dr RWD Nickalls, %% Department of Anaesthesia, %% C-floor, East Block, %% University Hospital of Nottingham, %% Queen's Medical Centre, %% Nottingham, UK %% NG7 2UH %% %% Tel: (0602) 709229 direct line to secretary. %% Email: mtzrwn@uk.ac.nottingham.ccc.vax %% FAX: (0602) 700739 %% %% THE FILES %% The full list of 19 files distributed with ASCII.STY is as follows: %% ascii.sty %% asciisty.tex %% asciisty.dvi %% ascii-10.tfm %% ascii-enc %% ascii-fli %% ascii300.pk %% ascii329.pk %% ascii360.pk %% ascii432.pk %% ascii518.pk %% ascii622.pk %% ascii746.pk %% uktexdig.doc %% cour.afm %% cour.pfa %% copyrigh.doc %% a4.sty %% readme.doc %% %% %% DEFINITION OF ascii.sty %% This style option allows the ASCII characters (ie. including the %% control characters) to be printed in ordinary text. %% For example \CR and \LF will then give the CR and LF control characters. %% For all other characters just use the usual letter/symbol. %% EXAMPLE: .....{\ascii\CR}.... %% %% IMPLEMENTATION: %% The following files need to be installed %% ASCII.TFM file ---> into the TFM directory %% ASCII.FLI file ---> into the TEXFONTS directory %% %% The technique for implementing the ASCII font in association with %% ASCII.STY using the recommended \TEXFONTS directory structure %% for EmTeX is described in the documentation file ASCIISTY.TEX %% %% USE OF ASCII.STY %% There are problems in naming the characters, since the \newcommand %% statement does not allow the use of NUMBERS in the new name. %% Therefore we have named the characters using their %% short code name, eg. CR for carriage return --> \CR etc. %% The control codes DC1, DC2, DC3, DC4 have had to have the numbers 1-4 %% replaced by the letters a--b in their new names as follows. %% ie. DC1 --> \DCa %% DC2 --> \DCb %% DC3 --> \DCc %% DC4 --> \DCd %% %% also DEL = \DEL %% | = \splitvert %% %% TO PRINT OUT THE FULL FONT TABLE %% use any of the following TeX utilities: %% fs.tex (Mark Reed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, UK) %% or fntbl.tex, testfonts.tex %% %% %% START OF ASCII.STY %%************************************************************************* \wlog{Style option `ASCII' R. RAMASUBRAMANIAN & RWD NICKALLS & MA REED (July 10 1993)} \typeout{Loading ASCIIstyle option (c) R RAMASUBRAMANIAN & RWD NICKALLS & MA REED July 10 1993} \ifcase \@ptsize %10-point \newfont{\ascii}{ascii-10} \or %(11 point) \newfont{\ascii}{ascii-10 scaled\magstephalf} \or %(12 point) \newfont{\ascii}{ascii-10 scaled\magstep1} \fi %%***************************************************** \newfont{\asciiX}{ascii-10} \newfont{\asciiXI}{ascii-10 scaled\magstephalf} \newfont{\asciiXII}{ascii-10 scaled\magstep1} \newfont{\asciiXIV}{ascii-10 scaled\magstep2} \newfont{\asciiXVII}{ascii-10 scaled\magstep3} \newfont{\asciiXXI}{ascii-10 scaled\magstep4} \newfont{\asciiXXV}{ascii-10 scaled\magstep5} %%***************************************************** \newfont{\asciimsZ}{ascii-10} \newfont{\asciimsH}{ascii-10 scaled\magstephalf} \newfont{\asciimsI}{ascii-10 scaled\magstep1} \newfont{\asciimsII}{ascii-10 scaled\magstep2} \newfont{\asciimsIII}{ascii-10 scaled\magstep3} \newfont{\asciimsIV}{ascii-10 scaled\magstep4} \newfont{\asciimsV}{ascii-10 scaled\magstep5} %%***************************************************** \newcommand{\SOH}{\char'001} \newcommand{\STX}{\char'002} \newcommand{\ETX}{\char'003} \newcommand{\EOT}{\char'004} \newcommand{\ENQ}{\char'005} \newcommand{\ACK}{\char'006} \newcommand{\BEL}{\char'007} \newcommand{\BS}{\char'010} \newcommand{\HT}{\char'011} \newcommand{\LF}{\char'012} \newcommand{\VT}{\char'013} \newcommand{\FF}{\char'014} \newcommand{\CR}{\char'015} \newcommand{\SO}{\char'016} \newcommand{\SI}{\char'017} \newcommand{\DLE}{\char'020} \newcommand{\DCa}{\char'021} \newcommand{\DCb}{\char'022} \newcommand{\DCc}{\char'023} \newcommand{\DCd}{\char'024} \newcommand{\NAK}{\char'025} \newcommand{\SYN}{\char'026} \newcommand{\ETB}{\char'027} \newcommand{\CAN}{\char'030} \newcommand{\EM}{\char'031} \newcommand{\SUB}{\char'032} \newcommand{\ESC}{\char'033} \newcommand{\FS}{\char'034} \newcommand{\GS}{\char'035} \newcommand{\RS}{\char'036} \newcommand{\US}{\char'037} %%************************************** %% special characters outside the first 32 characters %%************************************ \newcommand{\DEL}{\char'177} \newcommand{\splitvert}{\char'174} %%= | %%************************************* %%---------------------END OF ASCII.STY ----------------------------