00readme.txt -- description of where these files came from astdoc.aux -- LaTeX .aux file astdoc.bbl -- bibliography file astdoc.bib -- bibliography data base file astdoc.blg -- BibTeX log astdoc.lst -- TeX log astdoc.tex -- TeX file that describes this collection astdoc.toc -- table of contents astron.bst -- BibTeX style file astron.sty -- LaTeX style file example.aux -- sample LaTeX .aux file example.bbl -- sample LaTeX .bbl file example.bib -- sample BibTeX bibliography data base file example.blg -- sample BibTeX log file example.lst -- sample LaTeX log file example.tex -- sample LaTeX file index -- this file mnemonic.bib -- bibliography data base file with journal abbreviations puntxt.c -- utility to convert LISTSERV PUNCH files into normal text read.me -- description of this collection template.bib -- sample BibTeX templates