%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Covington's Macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \typeout{COVINGTN.STY = Covington's linguistic macros, 1991 Sept 10} \renewcommand{\textfloatsep}{0.7in} \raggedbottom % % Environment for hanging-indented list % (suitable for LSA-style reference list). % Does NOT require \item before entries. % \newenvironment{reflist}{\begin{list}{}% {\setlength{\labelwidth}{0pt} \setlength{\labelsep}{0pt} \setlength{\leftmargin}{3em} \setlength{\itemindent}{-3em} \setlength{\listparindent}{-3em} \setlength{\itemsep}{6pt}}\item}{\end{list}} % % Exercises, numbered by subsection. % even if next section not divided into subsections. % \begin{exercise} or \bx begins an Exercise % \begin{exercise}[Project] begins a Project % \newtheorem{exercise}{Exercise}[subsection] % Exercise numbering resets to 0 not only at the start of % a subsection, but also at the start of a section or chapter % even if it is not divided into subsections. \@addtoreset{exercise}{section} \@addtoreset{exercise}{chapter} % Abbreviated commands... \newcommand{\bx}{\begin{exercise}} \newcommand{\ex}{\end{exercise}} % % Displayed natural-language sentence % \newcommand{\sentence}[1] {\begin{flushleft}{\it #1}\end{flushleft}} % % Alternatives within a sentence or ps-rule / and \ % Example: this \either{and}{or} that is this \ or / that % \newcommand{\either}[2] { $ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \makebox{#1} \\ \makebox{#2} \\ \end{array} \right\} $ } % % Phrase-Structure Rules % Example: \psr{S}{NP~VP} is S -> NP VP. % \newcommand{\psr}[2] {\mbox{\it #1 $\rightarrow$ #2}} % % Feature Structures % Example: \fs{case:nom \\ person:P} % Better: \fs{\it case:nom \\ \it person:P} for true italics % % Modified 1990 Dec 5 so that features are left aligned. % \newcommand{\fs}[1] { \mbox{\small% $ \left[ \!\! \it \begin{tabular}{l} #1 \end{tabular} \!\! \right] $} } % % Labeled Feature Structures % (like a Feature Structure but with a category label above it) % Example: \lfs{NP}{case:nom \\ person:P} % Better: \lfs{NP}{\it case:nom \\ \it person:P} % % Modified 1990 Dec 5 so that features are left aligned. % \newcommand{\lfs}[2] { \mbox{$ \!\! \begin{tabular}{c} \it #1 \\ \mbox{\small% $ \left[ \!\! \it \begin{tabular}{l} #2 \end{tabular} \!\! \right] $} \end{tabular} \!\! $} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Discourse Representation Theory % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % DRS in box notation % % Arguments: % 1. List of discourse variables joined by ~ % 2. List of conditions joined by \\ % Example: \drs{X}{donkey(X)\\green(X)} % Example: \drs{~}{purple(X,Y)} % Example: \drs{X} % {named(X,`Pedro') \\ % \drs{Y}{donkey(Y)\\owns(X,Y)}~~ % {\large $\Rightarrow$}~ % \drs{~}{feeds(X,Y)} % } % \newcommand{\drs}[2] { { \it \begin{tabular}{|l|} \hline ~ \vspace{-2ex} \\ #1 \\ ~ \vspace{-2ex} \\ \hline ~ \vspace{-2ex} \\ #2 \\ ~ \\ % can't vspace here or the line will come out wrong \hline \end{tabular} } } % % DRS connectives: \ifdrs, \negdrs % % Example: \ifdrs{X~Y}{donkey(X)\\man(Y)}{~}{feeds(X,Y)} % Example: \negdrs{X}{green(X)\\donkey(X)} % \newcommand{\ifdrs}[4] { \mbox{\drs{#1}{#2}~~{\large $\Rightarrow$}~\drs{#3}{#4}} } \newcommand{\negdrs}[2] { \mbox{{\large $\neg$}\drs{#1}{#2}} } % % \alifdrs is like \ifdrs but aligned to match simple conditions % in the same drs. \newcommand{\alifdrs}[4] { \mbox{$\!\!\!$\drs{#1}{#2}~~{\large $\Rightarrow$}~\drs{#3}{#4}} } % % Sentence with DRS displayed below it % % Example: \sdrs{A dog barks.}{X}{dog(X)\\barks(X)} % (designed to be used within a displayed formula) % \newcommand{\sdrs}[3] {\begin{tabular}{l} \mbox{\it #1} \\ ~ \\ \drs{#2}{#3} \end{tabular}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of Covington's Macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%