# harvard family of bibliographic styles # Copyright - Peter Williams peterw@archsci.arch.su.edu.au 1. edit 'Makefile' setting 'bstdir', 'stydir' and 'docdir' to values appropriate to your LaTeX installation 2. type 'make install' 3. make sure 'bstdir' is in the paths for BST input (probably environment variable BSTINPUTS on the latest web2c installation) 4. make sure 'stydir' is in the paths for TeX input (probably environment variable TEXINPUTS on the latest web2c installation) 5. type 'make install_doc' to install documentation 6. cd to $docdir and type 'make' to create postscript version of documentation. If necessary edit 'Makefile' in $docdir to produce output other than postscript.