% AGENDA.Top - LaTeX file for top of Agenda for committee meetings \thispagestyle{empty} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.50} \centerline{\LARGE \bf Whatever Committee it is Meeting} {\large \vspace{0.2in} \iffinal {\begin{center} There will be a meeting of this committee \\ on \mbox{\bf \nextdate} at \mbox{\bf \nexttime} \\ in \mbox{\bf \nextplace}. \end{center}} \else \centerline{There will be a meeting of this committee on \mbox{\bf \nextdate}.} \fi \vspace{0.10in} \iffinal \centerline{\Large \sc Agenda} \else \centerline{\Large \sc Provisional Agenda} \fi \begin{enumerate} \item Apologies for absence \item Minutes of the last meeting (\thisdate) \item Matters arising from the Minutes \begin{tabular}{l}