% AIP (style option to ARTICLE) for American Institute of Physics journals % AIP DOCUMENT SUBSTYLE -- released 4 January 1989 % Written by Charles Karney (Karney%PPC.MFENET@NMFECC.ARPA). % This document style is designed for manuscripts to be submitted to % one of the journals published by the Americal Institute of Physics. % To use this give AIP as an optional argument to \documentstyle. The % main style should be ARTICLE. E.g., % \documentstyle[12pt,aip]{article} % This provides % (1) Section numbering for AIP journals (e.g., II.B.2.) % (2) Superscript reference numbers in citation and bibliography. You % should put the references in the logically correct place, e.g., "... as % is given by Landau \cite{landau}. Next sentence ..." \cite takes care % of removing the preceding spaces and putting the reference after the % punctuation (e.g, "... Landau.$^7$ ..."). % (3) Three or more consecutive reference numbers are represented as a % range. Thus 1,3,4,5,6,8,9 is printed as 1,3--6,8,9. No sorting is % performed; i.e., 1,3,2 is printed as such. % (4) \citenum and \citea give you more control over the appearance of % the citations. \citenum emits the plain citation number without % ornament as in "... as shown in Ref.~\citenum{foo}.". \citea puts it's % argument into the ornamentation for citations. Thus \cite{foo} is % equivalent to \citea{\citenum{foo}}. % (5) The \maketitle command puts the "date" at the top. Typical usage is % \begin{document} % \date{PPPL--2128 (1984)} % \title{Efficiency of Current Drive by Fast Waves} % \author{Charles F. F. Karney and Nathaniel J. Fisch\\ % Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University\\Princeton, NJ 08544} % \maketitle % \begin{abstract} % etc. % (6) Abstract appears full size. Section I begins on a new page. % (7) First paragraph of sections, etc., is normally indented. % (8) In appendices equations are numbered as B2 etc. % (9) Appendix appears in the section title for appendices. A period is % put after the section or appendix number. E.g., I. Introduction. % (10) The "thefigures" and "thetables" environments are defined % analogously to "thebibliography". This allows you the put the figure % captions and tables at the end of the document. The entries are % preceded by \figitem{