--text follows this line-- David Carlisle has taken the trouble to investigate and correct some problems with my `rotating' package, and a new version (1.7) is therefore available in the CTAN archives (eg ftp.tex.ac.uk:pub/archive/macros/latex/contrib/rotating). Many thanks to David for his thorough look! Visible changes: 1) rotate and turn and sideways all now use \ignorespaces and \unskip to remove white space after the environment start 2) rotate and turn no longer have an extra space if the argument is a count register \newcount\xxx \xxx=45 \rotate{\xxx} 3) the \rotatedirection command is added: \rotatedirection{anticlockwise} makes rotate and turn rotate things in the positive direction if given a positive argument (actually any argument does this except \rotatedirection{clockwise}. Sebastian Rahtz