For about 4 years I have been occasionally trying to get right a set of macros for performing arbitrary rotations of LaTeX material, using a PostScript driver. A complete new system is here offered, a style option `rotating.sty', which provides three environments - sideways rotates the contents through 90 degrees - rotate[#1] rotates the contents by [#1] degrees, leaving no space at all - turn[#1] rotates the contents by [#1] degrees, leaving the correct space taken up by the rotated box This time I have got it right as regards all the points of the compass, and the depth of TeX boxes. There are also two environments `sidewaysfigure' and `sidewaystable' which rotate an entire float through 90 degrees. The distribution consists of rotating.doc documented style file rotating.sty style file stripped of comments rotating.tex driver file to print documented code, and provide samples of rotation PostScript version of documentation rot{01,02,03,04}.eps, cat.eps PostScript files needed for documentation example.sty style file needed for documentation The user will need to have psfig1.8, and to use dvips, dvitops or textures as their driver. If anyone adds code for another driver, I'd like to hear about it. Sebastian Rahtz ArchaeoInformatica, 12 Cygnet Street, York Y02 1AG, UK All the files appear in the UK TeX Archive in [tex-archive.latex.contrib.rotating] Gnu Copyleft rights are asserted on this package.