Several new features have been added to PKZIP/PKUNZIP/PKSFX version 2.04c. Read the file ADDENDUM.DOC for a complete description of these changes and enhancements. Highlights of PKZIP/PKUNZIP/PKSFX etc. version 2.04c include: -Improved Compression PKZIP/PKUNZIP 2.04c implements a new compression algorithm called Deflating. Deflating has varying levels of compression and speed available. Both speed and compression are greatly improved over previous versions of PKZIP. -Multi-Volume Archive Support/Formatting PKZIP/PKUNZIP 2.04c has the ability to "span" a .ZIP file across multiple diskettes if the final .ZIP file size would be greater than a single diskette. PKZIP 2.04c also has the ability to format the destination diskettes on the fly. -XMS/EMS Usage PKZIP/PKUNZIP 2.04c has the ability to use of EMS, UMB, and HMA memory, which will allow the ability to process more files or be able to run with less conventional memory. PKZIP/PKUNZIP 2.04 will run in as little as 85K of conventional memory if EMS or XMS memory is available. -Novell Network Aware PKZIP 2.04c is Novell Netware "aware". Updating or creating a .ZIP file on a network drive is much faster with the network support in PKZIP 2.04c. -Auto CPU type detection. PKZIP/PKUNZIP 2.04c will detect what type of CPU it is being run on and will use instructions specifcally optimized for an 808x CPU, 80386 CPU, or 80486 CPU. -DPMI support PKZIP/PKUNZIP 2.04c automatically detects if DPMI (DOS Protected Mode Interface) support is available and will execute code in 32-bit protected mode for better speed. -PKCFG program PKZIP 2.04c can be configured to best suit your needs through the use of the PKCFG program. This is only available in the registered version of PKZIP. -PKSFX Junior and PKUNZIP Junior These "Junior" programs use very little memory and are extremely small. Although they are reduced in ability, their small size makes them very useful. -Password Encryption Sensitive data files can be scrambled with password protection. The security of this feature has been significantly improved in PKZIP/PKUNZIP 2.04c. -Authenticy Verification Users requiring authentication of archive files may request an Authenticy Verification code. This allows users to create .ZIP files which PKUNZIP can detect tampering of.