/* SCCS @(#)NslCopyColumn.java 1.2 ---07/15/99 --14:28:12 */ // Copyright: Copyright (c) 1997 University of Southern California Brain Project. // Copyright: This software may be freely copied provided the toplevel // Copyright: COPYRIGHT file is included with each such copy. // Copyright: Email nsl@java.usc.edu. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Get routines // // /** Get of Column routines. There are two basic format for the evaluation method in this routine: 1, eval(a) -> c a is the parameter to evaluate the Get of a pointwise and the result is passed out as c 2. eval(dest, a) -> c a is the parameter of the evaluation function and dest is the temporary space to hold the result. The method returns the reference to dest. NslCopyColumn always returns a vector. */ package nslj.src.math; //import java.util.Arrays; import nslj.src.lang.*; public final class NslCopyColumn { //------------------------------------------------ //native 0d double public static double eval(double a) { return a; } //native 1d double public static double eval(double dest, double[]_data, int j) { int size1 = _data.length; dest=_data[j]; return dest; } public static double eval(double[] _data, int j) { int size1 = _data.length; double dest=0; return (eval(dest,_data,j)); } //native 2d double public static double[] eval(double[] dest, double[][] _data, int j) { int i; int size1 = _data.length; int size2 = _data[0].length; for (i=0; i