Terminals which are not used: ERROR Grammar rule 1 compilationUnit -> typeDeclaration rule 2 typeDeclaration -> ';' rule 3 typeDeclaration -> classDeclaration rule 4 typeDeclaration -> interfaceDeclaration rule 5 classDeclaration -> classDecl1 classDecl2 rule 6 interfaceDeclaration -> interfaceDecl1 interfaceDecl2 rule 7 classDecl1 -> classModifierList CLASS qualifiedSymbol rule 8 classDecl1 -> classModifierList CLASS qualifiedSymbol EXTENDS qualifiedSymbol interfaces rule 9 classDecl2 -> classBlock rule 10 interfaceDecl1 -> classModifierList INTERFACE simpleSymbol EXTENDS qualifiedSymbol rule 11 interfaceDecl2 -> classBlock rule 12 classModifierList -> /* empty */ rule 13 classModifierList -> classModifierList FINAL rule 14 classModifierList -> classModifierList SYNCHRONIZED rule 15 classModifierList -> classModifierList PUBLIC rule 16 classModifierList -> classModifierList ABSTRACT rule 17 interfaces -> /* empty */ rule 18 interfaces -> IMPLEMENTS qualifiedSymbol rule 19 interfaces -> interfaces ',' qualifiedSymbol rule 20 qualifiedSymbol -> simpleSymbol rule 21 qualifiedSymbol -> qualifiedSymbol '.' simpleSymbol rule 22 simpleSymbol -> SYMBOL rule 23 classBlock -> '{' '}' rule 24 classBlock -> '{' fieldList '}' rule 25 classBlock -> '{' '}' ';' rule 26 classBlock -> '{' fieldList '}' ';' rule 27 fieldList -> field rule 28 fieldList -> fieldList field rule 29 field -> ignore ';' rule 30 field -> modifierList methodDeclaration rule 31 field -> modifierList variableDeclaration rule 32 modifierList -> /* empty */ rule 33 modifierList -> modifierList PRIVATE rule 34 modifierList -> modifierList PUBLIC rule 35 modifierList -> modifierList PROTECTED rule 36 modifierList -> modifierList STATIC rule 37 modifierList -> modifierList TRANSIENT rule 38 modifierList -> modifierList VOLATILE rule 39 modifierList -> modifierList FINAL rule 40 modifierList -> modifierList NATIVE rule 41 modifierList -> modifierList SYNCHRONIZED rule 42 modifierList -> modifierList ABSTRACT rule 43 methodDeclaration -> method ';' rule 44 method -> simpleType qualifiedSymbol '(' optArgList ')' rule 45 method -> simpleSymbol '(' optArgList ')' rule 46 method -> method '[' ']' rule 47 variableDeclaration -> variable ';' rule 48 variable -> qualifiedSymbol '.' SYMBOL simpleSymbol rule 49 variable -> simpleSymbol simpleSymbol rule 50 variable -> simpleType simpleSymbol rule 51 variable -> variable '[' ']' rule 52 simpleType -> BOOLEAN rule 53 simpleType -> BYTE rule 54 simpleType -> CHAR rule 55 simpleType -> SHORT rule 56 simpleType -> INT rule 57 simpleType -> FLOAT rule 58 simpleType -> LONG rule 59 simpleType -> DOUBLE rule 60 simpleType -> STRING rule 61 simpleType -> VOID rule 62 optArgList -> /* empty */ rule 63 optArgList -> argList rule 64 argList -> arg rule 65 argList -> argList ',' arg rule 66 arg -> simpleType optArrayBounds rule 67 arg -> qualifiedSymbol rule 68 optArrayBounds -> /* empty */ rule 69 optArrayBounds -> optArrayBounds '[' ']' rule 70 ignore -> /* empty */ rule 71 ignore -> modifierList STATIC '{' '}' Terminals, with rules where they appear $ (-1) '(' (40) 44 45 ')' (41) 44 45 ',' (44) 19 65 '.' (46) 21 48 ';' (59) 2 25 26 29 43 47 '[' (91) 46 51 69 ']' (93) 46 51 69 '{' (123) 23 24 25 26 71 '}' (125) 23 24 25 26 71 error (256) ERROR (258) SYMBOL (259) 22 48 FINAL (260) 13 39 SYNCHRONIZED (261) 14 41 PUBLIC (262) 15 34 ABSTRACT (263) 16 42 INTERFACE (264) 10 IMPLEMENTS (265) 18 EXTENDS (266) 8 10 CLASS (267) 7 8 PRIVATE (268) 33 PROTECTED (269) 35 STATIC (270) 36 71 TRANSIENT (271) 37 VOLATILE (272) 38 NATIVE (273) 40 BOOLEAN (274) 52 BYTE (275) 53 CHAR (276) 54 DOUBLE (277) 59 FLOAT (278) 57 VOID (279) 61 LONG (280) 58 STRING (281) 60 INT (282) 56 SHORT (283) 55 Nonterminals, with rules where they appear compilationUnit (38) on left: 1 typeDeclaration (39) on left: 2 3 4, on right: 1 classDeclaration (40) on left: 5, on right: 3 interfaceDeclaration (41) on left: 6, on right: 4 classDecl1 (42) on left: 7 8, on right: 5 classDecl2 (43) on left: 9, on right: 5 interfaceDecl1 (44) on left: 10, on right: 6 interfaceDecl2 (45) on left: 11, on right: 6 classModifierList (46) on left: 12 13 14 15 16, on right: 7 8 10 13 14 15 16 interfaces (47) on left: 17 18 19, on right: 8 19 qualifiedSymbol (48) on left: 20 21, on right: 7 8 10 18 19 21 44 48 67 simpleSymbol (49) on left: 22, on right: 10 20 21 45 48 49 50 classBlock (50) on left: 23 24 25 26, on right: 9 11 fieldList (51) on left: 27 28, on right: 24 26 28 field (52) on left: 29 30 31, on right: 27 28 modifierList (53) on left: 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42, on right: 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 71 methodDeclaration (54) on left: 43, on right: 30 method (55) on left: 44 45 46, on right: 43 46 variableDeclaration (56) on left: 47, on right: 31 variable (57) on left: 48 49 50 51, on right: 47 51 simpleType (58) on left: 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61, on right: 44 50 66 optArgList (59) on left: 62 63, on right: 44 45 argList (60) on left: 64 65, on right: 63 65 arg (61) on left: 66 67, on right: 64 65 optArrayBounds (62) on left: 68 69, on right: 66 69 ignore (63) on left: 70 71, on right: 29 state 0 ';' shift, and go to state 1 $default reduce using rule 12 (classModifierList) compilationUnit go to state 100 typeDeclaration go to state 2 classDeclaration go to state 3 interfaceDeclaration go to state 4 classDecl1 go to state 5 interfaceDecl1 go to state 6 classModifierList go to state 7 state 1 typeDeclaration -> ';' . (rule 2) $default reduce using rule 2 (typeDeclaration) state 2 compilationUnit -> typeDeclaration . (rule 1) $default reduce using rule 1 (compilationUnit) state 3 typeDeclaration -> classDeclaration . (rule 3) $default reduce using rule 3 (typeDeclaration) state 4 typeDeclaration -> interfaceDeclaration . (rule 4) $default reduce using rule 4 (typeDeclaration) state 5 classDeclaration -> classDecl1 . classDecl2 (rule 5) '{' shift, and go to state 8 classDecl2 go to state 9 classBlock go to state 10 state 6 interfaceDeclaration -> interfaceDecl1 . interfaceDecl2 (rule 6) '{' shift, and go to state 8 interfaceDecl2 go to state 11 classBlock go to state 12 state 7 classDecl1 -> classModifierList . CLASS qualifiedSymbol (rule 7) classDecl1 -> classModifierList . CLASS qualifiedSymbol EXTENDS qualifiedSymbol interfaces (rule 8) interfaceDecl1 -> classModifierList . INTERFACE simpleSymbol EXTENDS qualifiedSymbol (rule 10) classModifierList -> classModifierList . FINAL (rule 13) classModifierList -> classModifierList . SYNCHRONIZED (rule 14) classModifierList -> classModifierList . PUBLIC (rule 15) classModifierList -> classModifierList . ABSTRACT (rule 16) FINAL shift, and go to state 13 SYNCHRONIZED shift, and go to state 14 PUBLIC shift, and go to state 15 ABSTRACT shift, and go to state 16 INTERFACE shift, and go to state 17 CLASS shift, and go to state 18 state 8 classBlock -> '{' . '}' (rule 23) classBlock -> '{' . fieldList '}' (rule 24) classBlock -> '{' . '}' ';' (rule 25) classBlock -> '{' . fieldList '}' ';' (rule 26) '}' shift, and go to state 19 ';' reduce using rule 70 (ignore) $default reduce using rule 32 (modifierList) fieldList go to state 20 field go to state 21 modifierList go to state 22 ignore go to state 23 state 9 classDeclaration -> classDecl1 classDecl2 . (rule 5) $default reduce using rule 5 (classDeclaration) state 10 classDecl2 -> classBlock . (rule 9) $default reduce using rule 9 (classDecl2) state 11 interfaceDeclaration -> interfaceDecl1 interfaceDecl2 . (rule 6) $default reduce using rule 6 (interfaceDeclaration) state 12 interfaceDecl2 -> classBlock . (rule 11) $default reduce using rule 11 (interfaceDecl2) state 13 classModifierList -> classModifierList FINAL . (rule 13) $default reduce using rule 13 (classModifierList) state 14 classModifierList -> classModifierList SYNCHRONIZED . (rule 14) $default reduce using rule 14 (classModifierList) state 15 classModifierList -> classModifierList PUBLIC . (rule 15) $default reduce using rule 15 (classModifierList) state 16 classModifierList -> classModifierList ABSTRACT . (rule 16) $default reduce using rule 16 (classModifierList) state 17 interfaceDecl1 -> classModifierList INTERFACE . simpleSymbol EXTENDS qualifiedSymbol (rule 10) SYMBOL shift, and go to state 24 simpleSymbol go to state 25 state 18 classDecl1 -> classModifierList CLASS . qualifiedSymbol (rule 7) classDecl1 -> classModifierList CLASS . qualifiedSymbol EXTENDS qualifiedSymbol interfaces (rule 8) SYMBOL shift, and go to state 24 qualifiedSymbol go to state 26 simpleSymbol go to state 27 state 19 classBlock -> '{' '}' . (rule 23) classBlock -> '{' '}' . ';' (rule 25) ';' shift, and go to state 28 $default reduce using rule 23 (classBlock) state 20 classBlock -> '{' fieldList . '}' (rule 24) classBlock -> '{' fieldList . '}' ';' (rule 26) fieldList -> fieldList . field (rule 28) '}' shift, and go to state 29 ';' reduce using rule 70 (ignore) $default reduce using rule 32 (modifierList) field go to state 30 modifierList go to state 22 ignore go to state 23 state 21 fieldList -> field . (rule 27) $default reduce using rule 27 (fieldList) state 22 field -> modifierList . methodDeclaration (rule 30) field -> modifierList . variableDeclaration (rule 31) modifierList -> modifierList . PRIVATE (rule 33) modifierList -> modifierList . PUBLIC (rule 34) modifierList -> modifierList . PROTECTED (rule 35) modifierList -> modifierList . STATIC (rule 36) modifierList -> modifierList . TRANSIENT (rule 37) modifierList -> modifierList . VOLATILE (rule 38) modifierList -> modifierList . FINAL (rule 39) modifierList -> modifierList . NATIVE (rule 40) modifierList -> modifierList . SYNCHRONIZED (rule 41) modifierList -> modifierList . ABSTRACT (rule 42) ignore -> modifierList . STATIC '{' '}' (rule 71) SYMBOL shift, and go to state 24 FINAL shift, and go to state 31 SYNCHRONIZED shift, and go to state 32 PUBLIC shift, and go to state 33 ABSTRACT shift, and go to state 34 PRIVATE shift, and go to state 35 PROTECTED shift, and go to state 36 STATIC shift, and go to state 37 TRANSIENT shift, and go to state 38 VOLATILE shift, and go to state 39 NATIVE shift, and go to state 40 BOOLEAN shift, and go to state 41 BYTE shift, and go to state 42 CHAR shift, and go to state 43 DOUBLE shift, and go to state 44 FLOAT shift, and go to state 45 VOID shift, and go to state 46 LONG shift, and go to state 47 STRING shift, and go to state 48 INT shift, and go to state 49 SHORT shift, and go to state 50 qualifiedSymbol go to state 51 simpleSymbol go to state 52 methodDeclaration go to state 53 method go to state 54 variableDeclaration go to state 55 variable go to state 56 simpleType go to state 57 state 23 field -> ignore . ';' (rule 29) ';' shift, and go to state 58 state 24 simpleSymbol -> SYMBOL . (rule 22) $default reduce using rule 22 (simpleSymbol) state 25 interfaceDecl1 -> classModifierList INTERFACE simpleSymbol . EXTENDS qualifiedSymbol (rule 10) EXTENDS shift, and go to state 59 state 26 classDecl1 -> classModifierList CLASS qualifiedSymbol . (rule 7) classDecl1 -> classModifierList CLASS qualifiedSymbol . EXTENDS qualifiedSymbol interfaces (rule 8) qualifiedSymbol -> qualifiedSymbol . '.' simpleSymbol (rule 21) EXTENDS shift, and go to state 60 '.' shift, and go to state 61 $default reduce using rule 7 (classDecl1) state 27 qualifiedSymbol -> simpleSymbol . (rule 20) $default reduce using rule 20 (qualifiedSymbol) state 28 classBlock -> '{' '}' ';' . (rule 25) $default reduce using rule 25 (classBlock) state 29 classBlock -> '{' fieldList '}' . (rule 24) classBlock -> '{' fieldList '}' . ';' (rule 26) ';' shift, and go to state 62 $default reduce using rule 24 (classBlock) state 30 fieldList -> fieldList field . (rule 28) $default reduce using rule 28 (fieldList) state 31 modifierList -> modifierList FINAL . (rule 39) $default reduce using rule 39 (modifierList) state 32 modifierList -> modifierList SYNCHRONIZED . (rule 41) $default reduce using rule 41 (modifierList) state 33 modifierList -> modifierList PUBLIC . (rule 34) $default reduce using rule 34 (modifierList) state 34 modifierList -> modifierList ABSTRACT . (rule 42) $default reduce using rule 42 (modifierList) state 35 modifierList -> modifierList PRIVATE . (rule 33) $default reduce using rule 33 (modifierList) state 36 modifierList -> modifierList PROTECTED . (rule 35) $default reduce using rule 35 (modifierList) state 37 modifierList -> modifierList STATIC . (rule 36) ignore -> modifierList STATIC . '{' '}' (rule 71) '{' shift, and go to state 63 $default reduce using rule 36 (modifierList) state 38 modifierList -> modifierList TRANSIENT . (rule 37) $default reduce using rule 37 (modifierList) state 39 modifierList -> modifierList VOLATILE . (rule 38) $default reduce using rule 38 (modifierList) state 40 modifierList -> modifierList NATIVE . (rule 40) $default reduce using rule 40 (modifierList) state 41 simpleType -> BOOLEAN . (rule 52) $default reduce using rule 52 (simpleType) state 42 simpleType -> BYTE . (rule 53) $default reduce using rule 53 (simpleType) state 43 simpleType -> CHAR . (rule 54) $default reduce using rule 54 (simpleType) state 44 simpleType -> DOUBLE . (rule 59) $default reduce using rule 59 (simpleType) state 45 simpleType -> FLOAT . (rule 57) $default reduce using rule 57 (simpleType) state 46 simpleType -> VOID . (rule 61) $default reduce using rule 61 (simpleType) state 47 simpleType -> LONG . (rule 58) $default reduce using rule 58 (simpleType) state 48 simpleType -> STRING . (rule 60) $default reduce using rule 60 (simpleType) state 49 simpleType -> INT . (rule 56) $default reduce using rule 56 (simpleType) state 50 simpleType -> SHORT . (rule 55) $default reduce using rule 55 (simpleType) state 51 qualifiedSymbol -> qualifiedSymbol . '.' simpleSymbol (rule 21) variable -> qualifiedSymbol . '.' SYMBOL simpleSymbol (rule 48) '.' shift, and go to state 64 state 52 qualifiedSymbol -> simpleSymbol . (rule 20) method -> simpleSymbol . '(' optArgList ')' (rule 45) variable -> simpleSymbol . simpleSymbol (rule 49) SYMBOL shift, and go to state 24 '(' shift, and go to state 65 $default reduce using rule 20 (qualifiedSymbol) simpleSymbol go to state 66 state 53 field -> modifierList methodDeclaration . (rule 30) $default reduce using rule 30 (field) state 54 methodDeclaration -> method . ';' (rule 43) method -> method . '[' ']' (rule 46) ';' shift, and go to state 67 '[' shift, and go to state 68 state 55 field -> modifierList variableDeclaration . (rule 31) $default reduce using rule 31 (field) state 56 variableDeclaration -> variable . ';' (rule 47) variable -> variable . '[' ']' (rule 51) ';' shift, and go to state 69 '[' shift, and go to state 70 state 57 method -> simpleType . qualifiedSymbol '(' optArgList ')' (rule 44) variable -> simpleType . simpleSymbol (rule 50) SYMBOL shift, and go to state 24 qualifiedSymbol go to state 71 simpleSymbol go to state 72 state 58 field -> ignore ';' . (rule 29) $default reduce using rule 29 (field) state 59 interfaceDecl1 -> classModifierList INTERFACE simpleSymbol EXTENDS . qualifiedSymbol (rule 10) SYMBOL shift, and go to state 24 qualifiedSymbol go to state 73 simpleSymbol go to state 27 state 60 classDecl1 -> classModifierList CLASS qualifiedSymbol EXTENDS . qualifiedSymbol interfaces (rule 8) SYMBOL shift, and go to state 24 qualifiedSymbol go to state 74 simpleSymbol go to state 27 state 61 qualifiedSymbol -> qualifiedSymbol '.' . simpleSymbol (rule 21) SYMBOL shift, and go to state 24 simpleSymbol go to state 75 state 62 classBlock -> '{' fieldList '}' ';' . (rule 26) $default reduce using rule 26 (classBlock) state 63 ignore -> modifierList STATIC '{' . '}' (rule 71) '}' shift, and go to state 76 state 64 qualifiedSymbol -> qualifiedSymbol '.' . simpleSymbol (rule 21) variable -> qualifiedSymbol '.' . SYMBOL simpleSymbol (rule 48) SYMBOL shift, and go to state 77 simpleSymbol go to state 75 state 65 method -> simpleSymbol '(' . optArgList ')' (rule 45) SYMBOL shift, and go to state 24 BOOLEAN shift, and go to state 41 BYTE shift, and go to state 42 CHAR shift, and go to state 43 DOUBLE shift, and go to state 44 FLOAT shift, and go to state 45 VOID shift, and go to state 46 LONG shift, and go to state 47 STRING shift, and go to state 48 INT shift, and go to state 49 SHORT shift, and go to state 50 $default reduce using rule 62 (optArgList) qualifiedSymbol go to state 78 simpleSymbol go to state 27 simpleType go to state 79 optArgList go to state 80 argList go to state 81 arg go to state 82 state 66 variable -> simpleSymbol simpleSymbol . (rule 49) $default reduce using rule 49 (variable) state 67 methodDeclaration -> method ';' . (rule 43) $default reduce using rule 43 (methodDeclaration) state 68 method -> method '[' . ']' (rule 46) ']' shift, and go to state 83 state 69 variableDeclaration -> variable ';' . (rule 47) $default reduce using rule 47 (variableDeclaration) state 70 variable -> variable '[' . ']' (rule 51) ']' shift, and go to state 84 state 71 qualifiedSymbol -> qualifiedSymbol . '.' simpleSymbol (rule 21) method -> simpleType qualifiedSymbol . '(' optArgList ')' (rule 44) '.' shift, and go to state 61 '(' shift, and go to state 85 state 72 qualifiedSymbol -> simpleSymbol . (rule 20) variable -> simpleType simpleSymbol . (rule 50) ';' reduce using rule 50 (variable) '[' reduce using rule 50 (variable) $default reduce using rule 20 (qualifiedSymbol) state 73 interfaceDecl1 -> classModifierList INTERFACE simpleSymbol EXTENDS qualifiedSymbol . (rule 10) qualifiedSymbol -> qualifiedSymbol . '.' simpleSymbol (rule 21) '.' shift, and go to state 61 $default reduce using rule 10 (interfaceDecl1) state 74 classDecl1 -> classModifierList CLASS qualifiedSymbol EXTENDS qualifiedSymbol . interfaces (rule 8) qualifiedSymbol -> qualifiedSymbol . '.' simpleSymbol (rule 21) IMPLEMENTS shift, and go to state 86 '.' shift, and go to state 61 $default reduce using rule 17 (interfaces) interfaces go to state 87 state 75 qualifiedSymbol -> qualifiedSymbol '.' simpleSymbol . (rule 21) $default reduce using rule 21 (qualifiedSymbol) state 76 ignore -> modifierList STATIC '{' '}' . (rule 71) $default reduce using rule 71 (ignore) state 77 simpleSymbol -> SYMBOL . (rule 22) variable -> qualifiedSymbol '.' SYMBOL . simpleSymbol (rule 48) SYMBOL shift, and go to state 24 $default reduce using rule 22 (simpleSymbol) simpleSymbol go to state 88 state 78 qualifiedSymbol -> qualifiedSymbol . '.' simpleSymbol (rule 21) arg -> qualifiedSymbol . (rule 67) '.' shift, and go to state 61 $default reduce using rule 67 (arg) state 79 arg -> simpleType . optArrayBounds (rule 66) $default reduce using rule 68 (optArrayBounds) optArrayBounds go to state 89 state 80 method -> simpleSymbol '(' optArgList . ')' (rule 45) ')' shift, and go to state 90 state 81 optArgList -> argList . (rule 63) argList -> argList . ',' arg (rule 65) ',' shift, and go to state 91 $default reduce using rule 63 (optArgList) state 82 argList -> arg . (rule 64) $default reduce using rule 64 (argList) state 83 method -> method '[' ']' . (rule 46) $default reduce using rule 46 (method) state 84 variable -> variable '[' ']' . (rule 51) $default reduce using rule 51 (variable) state 85 method -> simpleType qualifiedSymbol '(' . optArgList ')' (rule 44) SYMBOL shift, and go to state 24 BOOLEAN shift, and go to state 41 BYTE shift, and go to state 42 CHAR shift, and go to state 43 DOUBLE shift, and go to state 44 FLOAT shift, and go to state 45 VOID shift, and go to state 46 LONG shift, and go to state 47 STRING shift, and go to state 48 INT shift, and go to state 49 SHORT shift, and go to state 50 $default reduce using rule 62 (optArgList) qualifiedSymbol go to state 78 simpleSymbol go to state 27 simpleType go to state 79 optArgList go to state 92 argList go to state 81 arg go to state 82 state 86 interfaces -> IMPLEMENTS . qualifiedSymbol (rule 18) SYMBOL shift, and go to state 24 qualifiedSymbol go to state 93 simpleSymbol go to state 27 state 87 classDecl1 -> classModifierList CLASS qualifiedSymbol EXTENDS qualifiedSymbol interfaces . (rule 8) interfaces -> interfaces . ',' qualifiedSymbol (rule 19) ',' shift, and go to state 94 $default reduce using rule 8 (classDecl1) state 88 variable -> qualifiedSymbol '.' SYMBOL simpleSymbol . (rule 48) $default reduce using rule 48 (variable) state 89 arg -> simpleType optArrayBounds . (rule 66) optArrayBounds -> optArrayBounds . '[' ']' (rule 69) '[' shift, and go to state 95 $default reduce using rule 66 (arg) state 90 method -> simpleSymbol '(' optArgList ')' . (rule 45) $default reduce using rule 45 (method) state 91 argList -> argList ',' . arg (rule 65) SYMBOL shift, and go to state 24 BOOLEAN shift, and go to state 41 BYTE shift, and go to state 42 CHAR shift, and go to state 43 DOUBLE shift, and go to state 44 FLOAT shift, and go to state 45 VOID shift, and go to state 46 LONG shift, and go to state 47 STRING shift, and go to state 48 INT shift, and go to state 49 SHORT shift, and go to state 50 qualifiedSymbol go to state 78 simpleSymbol go to state 27 simpleType go to state 79 arg go to state 96 state 92 method -> simpleType qualifiedSymbol '(' optArgList . ')' (rule 44) ')' shift, and go to state 97 state 93 interfaces -> IMPLEMENTS qualifiedSymbol . (rule 18) qualifiedSymbol -> qualifiedSymbol . '.' simpleSymbol (rule 21) '.' shift, and go to state 61 $default reduce using rule 18 (interfaces) state 94 interfaces -> interfaces ',' . qualifiedSymbol (rule 19) SYMBOL shift, and go to state 24 qualifiedSymbol go to state 98 simpleSymbol go to state 27 state 95 optArrayBounds -> optArrayBounds '[' . ']' (rule 69) ']' shift, and go to state 99 state 96 argList -> argList ',' arg . (rule 65) $default reduce using rule 65 (argList) state 97 method -> simpleType qualifiedSymbol '(' optArgList ')' . (rule 44) $default reduce using rule 44 (method) state 98 interfaces -> interfaces ',' qualifiedSymbol . (rule 19) qualifiedSymbol -> qualifiedSymbol . '.' simpleSymbol (rule 21) '.' shift, and go to state 61 $default reduce using rule 19 (interfaces) state 99 optArrayBounds -> optArrayBounds '[' ']' . (rule 69) $default reduce using rule 69 (optArrayBounds) state 100 $ go to state 101 state 101 $ go to state 102 state 102 $default accept