/* SCCS - @(#)NslDinDouble2.java 1.12 - 09/01/99 - 00:16:36 */ // Copyright: Copyright (c) 1997 University of Southern California Brain Project. // Copyright: This software may be freely copied provided the toplevel // Copyright: COPYRIGHT file is included with each such copy. // Copyright: Email nsl@java.usc.edu. /* * $Log$ */ // NslDinDouble2.java //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package nslj.src.lang; public class NslDinDouble2 extends NslDouble2 { NslInport inport=null; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructors public NslDinDouble2(NslModule owner) { super(); attachPort(owner); } public NslDinDouble2(NslModule owner,String name) { super(name); attachPort(owner); } public NslDinDouble2(String name,NslModule owner) { super(name,owner); attachPort(owner); } public NslDinDouble2(NslModule owner,String name, int dum1, int dum2) { super(name); attachPort(owner); } public NslDinDouble2(String name, NslModule owner, int dum1, int dum2) { super(name,owner); attachPort(owner); } private void attachPort(NslModule owner) { // System.out.println("Attaching "+this+" to module "+owner); inport=new NslInport(this); inport.owner=owner; owner.nslAddExistingInport(inport); /* Add to owner's inport list */ } public NslInport getInport() { return(inport); } public NslPort nslGetPort() { return(inport); } } // NslDinDouble2.java ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////