/* SCCS - @(#)NslFloat4.java 1.13 - 09/20/99 - 19:19:50 */ // Copyright: Copyright (c) 1997 University of Southern California Brain Project. // Copyright: This software may be freely copied provided the toplevel // Copyright: COPYRIGHT file is included with each such copy. // Copyright: Email nsl@java.usc.edu. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NslFloat4.java package nslj.src.lang; public class NslFloat4 extends NslNumeric4 { public float[][][][] _data; //public String _name; //boolean visibility = true; //NslHierarchy module; public NslFloat4(float[][][][] d) { super(); _data = new float[d.length][d[0].length][d[0][0].length][d[0][0][0].length]; set(d); //_name = null; } public NslFloat4(NslNumeric4 n) { super(); _data = new float[n.getSize1()][n.getSize2()][n.getSize3()][n.getSize4()]; set(n.getfloat4()); _name = null; } public NslFloat4(int size1, int size2, int size3, int size4) { super(); _data = new float[size1][size2][size3][size4]; _name = null; } public NslFloat4() { super(); _data=null; _name = null; } /** * This constructs a number with specified name * @param name - name of the variable */ public NslFloat4(String name) { super(); _data = null; _name = name; } public NslFloat4(String name, NslHierarchy curParent) { super(name,curParent,curParent.nslGetAccess()); _data = null; //_name = name; ////module = curParent; //visibility = module.getVisibility(); //module.enableAccess(this); } /** * This constructs a number with specified name * @param name - name of the variable * @param size1 - size of the array 1st-Dimension * @param size2 - size of the array 2nd-Dimension * @param size3 - size of the array 3rd-Dimension * @param size4 - size of the array 4th-Dimension */ public NslFloat4(String name, int size1, int size2, int size3, int size4) { super(name); _data = new float[size1][size2][size3][size4]; _name = name; } public NslFloat4(String name, NslHierarchy curParent, int size1, int size2, int size3, int size4) { super(name,curParent,curParent.nslGetAccess()); _data = new float[size1][size2][size3][size4]; //_name = name; //module = curParent; //visibility = module.getVisibility(); //module.enableAccess(this); } /** * This constructs a number with specified name * @param name - name of the variable * @param n - initialized values */ public NslFloat4(String name, NslNumeric4 n) { super(name); _data = new float[n.getSize1()][n.getSize2()][n.getSize3()][n.getSize4()]; set(n.getfloat4()); //_name = name; } public NslFloat4(String name, NslHierarchy curParent, NslNumeric4 n) { super(name); _data = new float[n.getSize1()][n.getSize2()][n.getSize3()][n.getSize4()]; set(n.getfloat4()); //_name = name; // module = curParent; //visibility = module.getVisibility(); //module.enableAccess(this); } /** * This constructs a number with specified name * @param name - name of the variable * @param n - initialized values */ public NslFloat4(String name, float[][][][] d) { super(name); _data = new float[d.length][d[0].length][d[0][0].length][d[0][0][0].length]; set(d); //_name = name; } public void nslMemAlloc(int size1, int size2, int size3, int size4) { _data = new float[size1][size2][size3][size4]; } //----------------------gets--------------------------------*---- public float[][][][] get() { return _data; } public float[][][] get(int pos1) { return _data[pos1]; } public float[][] get(int pos1, int pos2) { return _data[pos1][pos2]; } public float[] get(int pos1, int pos2, int pos3) { return _data[pos1][pos2][pos3]; } public float get(int pos1, int pos2, int pos3, int pos4) { return _data[pos1][pos2][pos3][pos4]; } // we have this method since the parser does not change // NslInt0 to ints for 3d and 4d. public float get(NslInt0 pos1, NslInt0 pos2, NslInt0 pos3, NslInt0 pos4) { return _data[pos1.get()][pos2.get()][pos3.get()][pos4.get()]; } //----------------------4----------------------------- public float[][][][] getfloat4() { return _data; } public double[][][][] getdouble4() { double[][][][] doubledata; int i; int j; int k; int l; int size1 = _data.length; int size2 = _data[0].length; int size3 = _data[0][0].length; int size4 = _data[0][0][0].length; doubledata = new double[size1][size2][size3][size4]; for (i=0; ipos1th and pos2th and pos3th in java numerical type double[][][]. */ // override in NslDouble4 for better efficiency public double[][][] getdouble3(int pos1) { int h, i, j; int size2 = _data[0].length; int size3 = _data[0][0].length; int size4 = _data[0][0][0].length; double[][][] tmp = new double[size2][size3][size4]; for (h=0; hpos1th and pos2th and pos3th in java numerical type float. */ public float[][][] getfloat3(int pos1) { return _data[pos1]; } /** * @param pos1 - left most index * @return the value of the element in pos1th and pos2th and pos3th in java numerical type int. */ public int[][][] getint3(int pos1) { int h, i, j; int size2 = _data[0].length; int size3 = _data[0][0].length; int size4 = _data[0][0][0].length; int[][][] tmp = new int[size2][size3][size4]; for (h=0; hpos1th and pos2th and pos3th in java numerical type double[][]. */ // override in NslDouble4 for better efficiency public double[][] getdouble2(int pos1, int pos2) { int i, j; int size3 = _data[0][0].length; int size4 = _data[0][0][0].length; double[][] tmp = new double[size3][size4]; for (i=0; ipos1th and pos2th and pos3th in java numerical type float[][]. */ public float[][] getfloat2(int pos1, int pos2) { return _data[pos1][pos2]; } /** * @param pos1 - left most index * @param pos2 - second to the left most index * @return the value of the element in pos1th and pos2th and pos3th in java numerical type int[][]. */ public int[][] getint2(int pos1, int pos2) { int i, j; int size3 = _data[0][0].length; int size4 = _data[0][0][0].length; int[][] tmp = new int[size3][size4]; for (i=0; ipos1th and pos2th and pos3th in java numerical type double[]. */ // override in NslDouble4 for better efficiency public double[] getdouble1(int pos1, int pos2,int pos3) { int j; int size4 = _data[0][0][0].length; double[] tmp = new double[size4]; for (j=0; jpos1th and pos2th and pos3th in java numerical type float[]. */ public float[] getfloat1(int pos1, int pos2, int pos3) { return _data[pos1][pos2][pos3]; } /** * @param pos1 - left most index * @param pos2 - second to the left most index * @param pos3 - third from left most index * @return the value of the element in pos1th and pos2th and pos3th in java numerical type int[]. */ public int[] getint1(int pos1, int pos2, int pos3) { int j; int size4 = _data[0][0][0].length; int[] tmp = new int[size4]; for (j=0; j _data.length) end1 = _data.length; if (end2 > _data[0].length) end2 = _data[0].length; if (end3 > _data[0][0].length) end3 = _data[0][0].length; if (end4 > _data[0][0][0].length) end4 = _data[0][0][0].length; length1 = end1-start1+1; length2 = end2-start2+1; length3 = end3-start3+1; length4 = end4-start4+1; floatdata = new float[length1][length2][length3][length4]; i1 = start1; i2 = start2; i3 = start3; i4 = start4; for (j1=0; j1 _data.length) return; if (startpos2 > _data[0].length) return; if (startpos3 > _data[0][0].length) return; if (startpos4 > _data[0][0][0].length) return; if (endpos1 > _data.length) endpos1 = _data.length; if (endpos2 > _data[0].length) endpos2 = _data[0].length; if (endpos3 > _data[0][0].length) endpos3 = _data[0][0].length; if (endpos4 > _data[0][0][0].length) endpos4 = _data[0][0][0].length; for (i1=startpos1, j1=0; i1value) { pos1 = i; pos2 = j; pos3 = k; pos4 = l; value = _data[i][j][k][l]; } } } } } max_elem_pos1.set(pos1); max_elem_pos2.set(pos2); max_elem_pos3.set(pos3); max_elem_pos4.set(pos4); return value; } public float maxValue() { return maxElem(new NslInt0(0), new NslInt0(0), new NslInt0(0), new NslInt0(0)); } public float minElem(NslInt0 max_elem_pos1, NslInt0 max_elem_pos2, NslInt0 max_elem_pos3, NslInt0 max_elem_pos4) { float value = java.lang.Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; int i, j, k, l; int size1 = _data.length; int size2 = _data[0].length; int size3 = _data[0][0].length; int size4 = _data[0][0][0].length; int pos1 = -1; int pos2 = -1; int pos3 = -1; int pos4 = -1; for (i=0; i