/* SCCS - @(#)NslFillColumns.java 1.5 - 09/01/99 - 00:18:06 */ // Copyright: Copyright (c) 1997 University of Southern California Brain Project. // Copyright: This software may be freely copied provided the toplevel // Copyright: COPYRIGHT file is included with each such copy. // Copyright: Email nsl@java.usc.edu. /* * $Log$ */ /** Calls to these class methods will cause a 2 dimensional array to be filled column by column by the single vector input. Thus R[i][j]=I[i]. */ package nslj.src.math; import nslj.src.lang.NslInt0; import nslj.src.lang.NslInt1; import nslj.src.lang.NslInt2; import nslj.src.lang.NslFloat0; import nslj.src.lang.NslFloat1; import nslj.src.lang.NslFloat2; import nslj.src.lang.NslDouble0; import nslj.src.lang.NslDouble1; import nslj.src.lang.NslDouble2; import nslj.src.lang.NslBoolean0; import nslj.src.lang.NslBoolean1; import nslj.src.lang.NslBoolean2; public final class NslFillColumns { public static int[][] eval(int[][] dest,int[] b) { int org_rows=dest.length; int org_cols=dest[0].length; int org_vector=b.length; if (org_rows!=org_vector) { // error throw new ArrayStoreException("column length must match vector"); } else { int i,j; for (i=0;i