# SCCS @(#)Makefile 1.2 - 05/20/99 - 15:36:41 # # Revision 1997/02/20 08:04:36 nsl # Importing pp # # # # Java files JAVAB= \ ParseException.java \ LexException.java \ DequeueException.java \ Queue.java \ Dequeue.java \ YYnode.java \ YYnode_Stack.java \ YYtoken.java \ YYnonterminal.java \ YYlexbuffer.java \ Int_Vector.java \ Int_Stack.java \ Byte_Vector.java \ Byte_Stack.java \ # Java->Class not always 1-1 CLB=$(JAVAB:.java=.class) all: $(CLB) # adding chmods back to 444 so that you can do a make clean then an sccs get SCCS clean: chmod 444 jb chmod 444 jf rm -f *.class rm -f Byte_Vector.java Byte_Stack.java Int_Vector.java Int_Stack.java $(CLB): $(JAVAB) javac -g $(JAVAB) Byte_Vector.java: vector.template sed Byte_Vector.java \ -e 's/@ELEMTYPE@/byte/g' \ -e 's/@TYPE@/Byte/g' \ -e 's/@NULL@/0/g' Int_Vector.java: vector.template sed Int_Vector.java \ -e 's/@ELEMTYPE@/int/g' \ -e 's/@TYPE@/Int/g' \ -e 's/@NULL@/0/g' Byte_Stack.java: stack.template sed Byte_Stack.java \ -e 's/@ELEMTYPE@/byte/g' \ -e 's/@TYPE@/Byte/g' \ -e 's/@NULL@/0/g' Int_Stack.java: stack.template sed Int_Stack.java \ -e 's/@ELEMTYPE@/int/g' \ -e 's/@TYPE@/Int/g' \ -e 's/@NULL@/0/g'