# _________________________________ STIMULI ________________________________ set learning 0 set trial 20 nsl set Detour.world.in.dx 1 nsl set Detour.world.in.dy 1 nsl set Detour.world.in.dz 1 nsl set Detour.world.in.xz 0 nsl set Detour.world.in.yz 0 nsl set Detour.world.in.zz 0 # learning : 0.5-1 for coherence (no learning), 0.35 for incoherence (learning) nsl set Detour.frog.mhm.learning $learning if {$learning == 0} { nsl set Detour.frog.mhm.d_norm 1 } else { nsl set Detour.frog.mhm.d_norm 0.35 } # barrier # 10cm: 26 pixels total (6x1 + 5x4) xb_init:117, xb_end:143 # 20cm: 51 pixels total (11x1 + 10x4) xb_init:104, xb_end:155 set xb_init 0 set xb_end 0 if {$trial == 10} { set xb_init 117 set xb_end 143 } if {$trial == 20} { set xb_init 104 set xb_end 155 } set yb 110 set zb 0 set gap 5 ;# 1 + 4 nsl set Detour.world.xb_init $xb_init nsl set Detour.world.xb_end $xb_end nsl set Detour.world.yb $yb nsl set Detour.world.zb $zb for {set xb $xb_init} {$xb <= $xb_end} {incr xb $gap} { nsl create block_stim fence -layer Detour.world.in -val 1 \ -x0 $xb -y0 $yb -z0 $zb -dx 1 -dy 1 -dz 100 \ -spec_view NSL_OFF -spec_type NSL_CORNER } # prey set xw 130 set yw 84 ;# 110 - 26 = 84 set zw 0 nsl set Detour.prey.xw $xw nsl set Detour.prey.yw $yw nsl set Detour.prey.zw $zw nsl set Detour.prey.boundary 140 ;# boundary not to get out of the world. nsl set Detour.prey.worm_speed 2 ;#2 nsl create block_stim prey -layer Detour.world.in -val 2 \ -xc $xw -yc $yw -zc $zw -dx 1 -dy 1 -dz 1 -spec_view NSL_OFF -spec_type NSL_CENTER # frog set xf 132 set yf 162 ;# 110 + 26x2 = 162 (26 pixels = 10cm) set zf 0 nsl set Detour.frog.xf $xf nsl set Detour.frog.yf $yf nsl set Detour.frog.zf $zf nsl create block_stim frog -layer Detour.world.in \ -xc $xf -yc $yf -zc $zf -dx 3 -dy 3 -dz 3 -spec_view NSL_ON -spec_type NSL_CENTER # predator #nsl set Detour.frog.visual.xpr 90 ;# coordinates of the predator. #nsl set Detour.frog.visual.ypr 90