// DLMdisplay.h /* Beside the standard NSL display we use a special display for the trajectory of the blob and the net display of the connectivity. It is a C++-class called "XMonoWin" with very simple X11 display routines. */ static const int winWidth=220; // size of the display window ; class DlmDisplay : public NslModule { public: private: XMonoWin winT1; XMonoWin winT2; XMonoWin winW; XMonoWin winC; NslFloat0 netWeightExp; // exponent for the net display computation ; NslFloat2 gravI2; // center of gravity for the connections ; NslFloat2 gravJ2; // center of gravity for the connections ; NslFloat4 correl21LI; // leaky correlation integrated ; NslFloat4 w21; NslFloat2 Sh1; NslFloat2 Sh2; float centerI, centerJ; // center of gravity ; int frame,i1max,j1max,i2max,j2max,i1Rmax,j1Rmax; public: DlmDisplay(nsl_string,NslModule*); ~DlmDisplay() {} void memAlloc(int,int,int,int,int,int,int); void initRun(); void simRun(); void centerOfGravity(NslFloat2&, float, float); void showTrajectory(NslFloat2&, int, XMonoWin&); void showNet(NslFloat4&, int, XMonoWin&,int, int, int, int, int, int, NslFloat0&, NslFloat2&, NslFloat2&); };